<Bold> Recruiting for our 9/9H WEEKDAY MYTHIC team!


—About Us —

Our team is focused on casual Mythic. We say “casual Mythic” because, while we are progression-focused, we want to keep a happy core of people without the expectations of splits/alts, explicit min-max. We do expect every raider to be competent in their role/spec, bring consumables, and be a collaborative thought-partner on strategies. We are very transparent with trials (and even after passing and becoming Core) about performance, both in DPS/HPS and mechanics, so you know exactly what you need to work on. This is not a casual team - everyone plays a role in progression, we’re just not CE-focused. The weekday team is new so we are looking to build up a consistent group of high-performing, reliable, team-oriented folks. We do have a CE focused Mythic team for those who wish for a more challenging experience.

—Current Aberrus Progression—

9/9 Normal
9/9 Heroic

—Raid Times —

Wednesday: 8:30PM - 11:30PM EST
Thursday: 8:30PM - 11:30PM EST

—Recruitment Needs —
Tanks: Closed
Healers: Closed (Open to Priest)
Melee DPS: Open
Ranged DPS: Open

Regardless of the recruitment status, we encourage anyone to reach out and inquire! —Not a Raider? — Outside of raids, we are pretty active. We average 30+ people during the afternoon/evening with people chatting and running keys together. Raid logging is not a real issue here and we strive to earn the loyalty and commitment of our people. We welcome all to join as socials, casuals, key runners, key sellers, etc. There’s a place for everyone! Just message anyone in-game, apply in-game, or add a B-tag below!

—Can’t Commit/Raid Yet? —

Interested in raiding with us but can’t commit yet or for one reason or another aren’t ready? You can join as a “Prospect” until you are. There is no time limit on how long you can be a Prospect, so as soon as you are ready and/or able, reach out so we can start a trial. Reasons for being Prospect can include (but are not limited to): Temporary schedule conflict Undergeared Logs need to be improved Leveling

—Basic Requirements —

18+ years old. Commitment to all days. Active and run keys. Willing to learn, improve, and take constructive criticism. Always come to raid prepared. Competent and strong player. Cross-realm trialing is acceptable but you are required to transfer and join once you pass your trial. No exceptions.

—Contact (B-Tags / Discords) —
Team Lead/ Recruitment Officer: VictoriaKins#1971 / victoriakins
Melee Officer: Findol#11918 / findol
Ranged Officer: Stigas#1237 / jonezen
Healing Officer: Jäger#11356 / staffeln

Bumping to the top

Bumping for Tank/Heal/DPS!

going back up!!

Looking for a tank!!

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Going up!!

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Bumping for mythic

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