Bobby Kotick Was Only 28

Reddit moment.

No, seriously.

I’m trying to figure out if you truly believe that poor people are just too stupid to manage their money.

Because we’ve all threatened and harassed people at some point, right? /sarcasm

Huh… I make 6 figures and I play the lotto.

Not saying I’m rich by any stretch but I sure as hell ain’t poor.

It’s not a matter of stupidity. It’s a matter have not having been educated to be smart with your money. There’s a reason why so many poor people who suddenly find themselves millionaires through the lotto end up filing for bankruptcy. Because they end up giving that money to friends, they end up buying a big house and lots of cars and everything they ever wanted.

I’m going to assume you spend a negligible amount of money on it compared to poor people who spend half their paycheck even if you spend the same amount of money on the lotto. Still a bad investment considering your chances of winning are something like lower than being struck by lightning, but you have something else to rely on for stable income.


I don’t understand where you get your information.

My brother is poor. His kids (now adults) are poor. They don’t spend a dime on the lotto.

My opinion is people that like to play the lotto play the lotto no matter if they are rich or poor.

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I didn’t say all poor people play the lotto so your anecdote means nothing. Statistically poor people are more likely to play the lotto than those who are not. So, statistically, those who play more are more likely to win. Those who are more likely to be disadvantaged, have an addiction, etc, and more likely to make poor decisions with money when they finally do get it. That’s why you hear about so many people winning the lottery and the losing everything.

What statistics?

I found the resources pretty easily by doing a quick search for them. Let me go ahead and just publish a meta analysis of several different studies here on the WoW forums.

Yes please do.

If you’d be so kind, keep this page open. Don’t go anywhere else, don’t do anything else. Keep pressing the refresh page button. You certainly won’t want to miss it.

So it doesn’t exist. Got it.

Studies exist on this subject, you can go and look at them. I’m not just going to spend my time looking up statistics that I just found that you can do so as well.

Look up what a scarcity mindset is as well, if you want more insight into why poor people tend to make bad decisions with their money.

Even if I were to go get the studies for you, you’d make no effort to read them yourself just like you’re making no effort to go and look for them now. It would just be a pointless errand.

That’s not how it works. You don’t write a paper then say “I don’t have to provide sources, go look them up yourselves.”

You made a statement as fact. I asked you twice where you’re getting your information and you dodged the request.

If you want me to be your research assistant and look up your sources, pay me. If you don’t want to do that then I’m going to continue to think you’re full of :poop: and every thing you’re claiming is a fib.


Not sure where you live, but this is not my experience.

I live with 2 twentysomethings right now. And while my kids may have their flaws, they are worlds smarter than most of the idiots out on the street right now. And I’m not just saying that because I’m their parent either.

Living out on your own in your twenties does NOT make you any less naive, and does not make you any more “worldly”. That comes with experience, which most twentysomethings simply don’t have. Hell, I’m pushing 50 and I still occasionally feel like I’ve lived in a bubble when it comes to certain things.

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I’m not writing a paper. I’m ‘arguing’ with someone who says “WELL ACKSHUALLY MY BROTHER IS POOR AND HE DOESN’T PLAY LOTTO” and thinks it’s an argument. I’m poor and I don’t play lotto either, so what?

And I’m telling you, I went and searched for the info myself just to verify. You can find it just by doing a simple google search on the subject and looking at the sources. Literally the first result in a google search, literally less than a minute’s time.

So which is it?

This is a disingenious argument relying on a grammar loophole. What I made is what is referred to as a “general statement”. Obviously I’m not claiming 100% of all poor people play the lotto. That only applies to those poor people who play the lotto.

That makes no sense but whatevs. Like I said, I’m not proving your point, that’s your job. You could have linked this so called website that proved every thing you’re saying along time ago but you haven’t which means it doesn’t exist.

Good luck to the next person that wants to argue in a circle with this guy.

No dude, you’re just upset for being exposed for holding a stereotype that believes poor people are too stupid to manage their money.


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