Bobby Kotick Was Only 28

They were going to be fired, but bobby intervened and kept them around. This us a top down problem.

The reason why you have garbage ‘lower end’ workers is because management hires them and keeps them around.

A good boss recognizes bad eggs and fears rid if them. This is why we blame bobby.

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From my experience…nothing happens in lower end until the flow is coming from the top

In this case too, Bobby is the one who is responsible for it

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Again, it depends how you define success. You can have all the dollars in the world, but if you are an awful pos human being (who hot his dollars by cutting corners and being scummy), I would not call you successful.

For all the memeing about him he’s obviously a very smart and strategic guy. He follows in Bill Gates’ and Steve Job’s footsteps in dropping out of college to focus on his company, and it paid off. He built an empire. He deserves respect for that.

This is not an endorsement.

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He set out to build a huge gaming company out of essentially nothing. He set himself a goal, and he met it.

That’s success.

You are conflating morality with success. Unfortunately, that’s not the way the world works.


I think it’s also a generational thing. Boomers and gen Xers have had a WAY different 20’s than millenials and now gen z. Millenials grew up in 9/11, war on terror, 2008 crash, 2010 crash (right when many were graduating highschool and just getting into college) mass unemployment, skyrocketing tuition, unaffordable housing…

Boomers still think of millenials as teens when we have been forced to grow up and make very hard choices for most of our youth. The only difference is we take comfort in video games and anime and boomers don’t like that.

You are comparing american capitalism with the rest of the world. America us a bubble. Most of the people of the world think American businessmen are strange, greedy anomalies.

No, he doesn’t. He was a privileged kid who had many advantages in life and got a leg up.

Taking a business loan out for 400k in 1991 isn’t exactly some crazy power privilege position.

Many mechanics, plumbers, carpenters, etc… have businesses that started out similarly.

Same. The business is a success. So sure, he’s succeeded in that regard, but you could also call pretty much every politician a success too if you’re only looking at the business end. Same with cartel bosses. Jeffrey Epstein, one of Bobby’s buddies, was also successful.

Was he successful in business? Sure. Was he successful as a person? Eh…

It’s bound to happen. A lot of the older people grew up in a time period where right out of high school you could take a loan and accumulate some debt and not really worry about the debt that much since your future career would pay it off. But then the economy changed and it’s not that easy anymore.

When someone personally experiences something, they believe that over everyone else’s anecdote, which causes them to think that milenials and gen z are just over exaggerating ect.

Gen Z has it extremely rough with many predicting that many of them will die young due to the change in lifestyle with technology. And then many of them will also be graduating in the middle of pandemic where inflation has gone through the roof.

anyway I don’t like bobby and I hope he lives a very unfulfilled life, I don’t know why I should respect someone for doing things for themselves: making money. Everyone makes money it doesn’t make you special.

Why do you say this like it’s a defense? In fact, his success honestly just makes it worse.

How many nightmares have you had about thousands of Soviet nuclear missiles aimed at your home? Have you ever worried about being drafted? Recessions, unemployment, etc, have come and gone for centuries. I didn’t get my first home until 2014 when I was 45 years old. Or to go a bit further back, how about the generations who grew up during the Great Depression? WW2? I could go on and on.


yes, but talking about it is like rubbing salt to the wound…

hush now child. the achievements of the past don’t matter anymore.

At the end of the day that is all really care about, sociopath or not.

Almost anything we do requires some sort of financial investment.

See what you can accomplish when you don’t waste your life playing video g- … wait …

He’s financially successful but morally bankrupt. You’re nitpicking because you don’t like the guy.

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Meh, cheap talking point.
Plenty of people realistically have similar or access to similar resources he did. Most people in this thread are middle class privileged people.

Most people can go ahead and secure tons of credit and do the same if they’re so inclined. There’s a reason the lottery curse is a thing.

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Many Millenials can buy houses and have good jobs that they worked hard for (and not because of some abstract “privilege”). For some reason, though, it’s the systems fault that some made poor choices and don’t.

Everyone aspires to accomplish as much as they can in life. A super successful CEO of a multi-billion dollar company has made no greater effort and is no more worthy of accolades than the door greeter at Walmart who’s driving a 15-year-old car and was late on their credit card payment this month.

Life is roughly 15% what you make of it, and 85% what is made of it for you. The entirety of our story is written before we even live through the first chapter of our book.

If you win, you don’t actually deserve the credit you get.
If you fail, you don’t actually deserve the blame you get.

The homeless person on skid row, the attorney in Chicago, the drug addicted lady turning tricks in Queens, the grocery store cashier in some obscure place in Indiana, the pregnant unemployed young lady living at home, and the brick layer in Denver… are each equally deserving of happiness and success in life. They’ve all made an equal effort. They’ve all had an equal passion. Each and every one of them.

We think we decide our own path and build our own fate. We do what we’re led to do and allowed to do, all under the illusion that it’s our idea and our effort.

For more really out there, unconventional thoughts and ideas like these, tune in next week for another exciting episode of ‘Yes, Swarf is cray cray…’
