Bobby Kotick: "EU will be a Death Valley if they do not agree to the Microsoft/Activision deal"

if you look at the UK and think about the post-Brexit UK, it’s probably the first country where you’re seeing a recession, like the real severe consequences of a recession. If you’re the UK, and you have an incredibly educated workforce, you have a lot of technical talent, places like Cambridge, where the best AI and machine learning is, I would think you would want to embrace a transaction like this, where you’re gonna see job creation and opportunity, and it isn’t really at all whether it’s Sony’s or Microsoft’s platform, it’s really about the future of technology and you know they’ve said now for the last year…that would like to be the Silicon Valley of Europe, or of the continent, and if deals like this can’t get through, they’re not going to be Silicon Valley, they’ll be Death Valley.

TL;DR: If the EU deny this merge, Microsoft will just give the middle finger to the EU and pull their business out of Europe


Be kind of funny but there’s no way they would pull out of the EU after losing China.

Meh Kotick has been “death valley” to ATVI’s stock in general. But you would think the UK politicians and royals would love him, they are all members of the Epstein island adventure club afterall.



I dont think thats the message he was trying to say, besides the fact that he doesn’t even control microsoft.

I don’t know what’s more sad: feeling the need to threaten the UK economy, or the actual state of the UK economy.

Nope, it is more like EU regulators raised concern about the trade that occurred days before the merger was announced publicly to which Microsoft (probably) agrees but Bobby throws whole lot of smoke screens.

I say the same, it all depends on the US ignoring Sony’s false whining and babycry.

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see what y’all did person digging all the old posts up flooding the forums lol. way to leave these posts so people can dig em up.

What do you mean by “Ignored content”?