BNET Launcher Request (Not sure where to put this)

It used to be that when I opened BNET Launcher, it took me straight to the game I played last (which was almost always WoW) and all I had to do was click a button and wait a few seconds and I’m in-game.

Now, for some stupid reason within the last couple months or so, it always takes me to the “home” page and pops an ad up in my face about some game I don’t care about 99.9% of the time. So I gotta close the ad, then click the WoW Button, and then finally click the Play button to get in-game.

Could we make an option to just take us straight to the game we played last, like it used to be? I don’t care about these other games, and in a world where we are absolutely inundated with constant ads everywhere, I’m sick of seeing them to the point that I am so sick of seeing them, that displaying an ad for something makes me less likely to buy something, esp if I see it multiple times.

I already give Blizz my $15/mo, so how about not flashing ads in front of my face? Thanks.

dude we are lucky the ads are not in game


In BNet, go to Settings/App, under Startup , in the On Startup, View dropdown box choose “Last Viewed Game Page”.

I dun know why the frick this got reverted, because I’m pretty sure I had it set but I couldn’t remember if there was a setting for this or not, but now that you mention it… pretty sure I remember setting this before.