I don’t seem to get any helpful or even many responses in the class forums, so I am asking here. I’m looking at trying out the Hunter class and it seems there are a lot of differing opinions on which spec is best. I usually solo as a Guardian Druid, so I’m looking along the lines of that kind of playstyle. Can anyone here point me in a good direction as to what would be best or at least compatible with what I play now in the Hunter Class specs? Thank you in advance!
Depends on how you look at it.
If you want a melee playstyle…survival is the only option.
If you want the best solo friendly playstyle…BM is for you.
But if you’re talking about rotational similarities…It’s hard to say.
BM = Kill Command spam
SV = Explosive Bomb spam
MM = Aimed Shot spam
BM is the easiest, as your pets do most of the fighting for you. You just apply DoTs for the most part. Is unique in the fact that you can tame pets that can’t be tamed by the other specs.
Survival has a lot of DoTs and AoE potential, can preform well in a variety of settings. Also unique in the way it’s the only melee spec available to Hunters.
MM focuses on ranged damage. Great AoE potential, single target is a bit lacking but you can make up for that depending on talents. Spec is sadly a bit proc dependent: You can suffer draughts where your only options are Arcane Shot/Multi Shot and Steady Shot for a good while. 11.1 seems like it’s going to fix that a good deal.
I really WANT to like survival, but I just can’t. It’s just such a janky pile of mess that can’t decide what it wants to be. Is it a melee spec? A sic your pet spec? A throw bombs and crap spec? Do you shoot people with a little crossbow? It’s just so all over the place I can’t get into it. At all. I wish it was a pure melee class that used the pet to assist. That one ability Brann has where you jump on him then he throws you at enemies? Being able to jump on your pet and have it toss you would be great, but no. Instead they just… throw bombs. I don’t even count it as a melee spec to be honest, you spend far more time spamming bomb and kill command then you ever do engaging in melee.
Based on what you’re seeking in solo experience I think a BM hunter would serve you well.
I main BM but I also enjoy playing a bit of MM (both casually). We’re very lucky that Dark Ranger for both specs have the same stat priority so you don’t really lose either way.
Do you know if there is a way to get multi-shot without getting animal companion? I solo most of the time and having AC really gets annoying for me.
Bm for the exotic pet collection game
At this moment you shouldn’t be playing BM Hunter without using animal companion. It isn’t possible to get multi-shot without it.
They are changing it in 11.1 to have an option to only have one pet at a minimal damage loss but until then you’d have to get a smaller pet (maybe a ray or tiny frog, etc) or play something else.