BM still Broken in BGs

Just started to get back into PVP and BM hunters are out of control I just finished the game where a BM hunter crit me for half my health twice for a 2 tap this happened to me 10 times not a single class has done that to me but BM Huntard. I cheap shot them and get them down to like 30% with my opener they disengage and I die instantly after as if Feral Druids wasn’t annoying enough but at least they don’t 2 shot me


As BM I did 375million damage in a comp stomp and 8.8million healing, and I was still using all my many traps and CC on CD.

Agreed, BM is an outlier, but as BM I wont be sad if it stays strong unless they fix the MM bugs and buff it to be competitive again. MM is super weak right now so I stopped playing it.

i find no issues in the 1v1. You can draw alot of their cds out in your opener with deathmark/kingsbane (if assa). Once they are out of the initial cheap shot stuns you can easily meld/stealth, or if you have a dot or anything like that you can simply cloak (with the pvp talent that removes physical dots) and vanish. wait for drs and go back to it. Playing double vanish helps a lot with this as well. But as long as it is 1v1 (as assa, i dont like sub) your burst cds /bleeds with a shiv and envemon should basically kill them.

edit: oh, you are in honor gear. might as well reroll alliance and farm war supply crates for free in war mode. get geared,

I did say I’m just getting back into PVP I’m a Outlaw main and I have killed BMs before but their crits are just nuts at times most of the time I get them down to like 30-21% easy if I get my kidney opener off. But right when im about to finish them off as I said they just crit me for massive damage for like 40-60% of my health wish I had video to share of this but I never thought to record my RBG games

Teach me senpai.

For some reason I’m doing pitiful damage. Is it because im in full honor gear?

I wish MM was a thing I honestly like the spec and MM being good could lower the amount of the brain dead spec that is BM it seems in recent years BM has always been OP where it be PVP or PVE but that just my experience.

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Gear really does matter, for specs that need 4set to do a lot more it matters, for specs that need 2set to do more it matters, embellishments matter more than you might expect, higher Versatility amounts from conquest quality pvp gear really does help a lot with survivability, gems and enchants make a solid difference as well, and it all adds up. Someone in just honor gear or less can now fight someone wearing BIS gear and the difference is huge. I’m a fan of gear progression as a reward for success and participation in the content, but if you didnt start capping conquest at season launch your going to feel at a disadvantage until you are wearing BIS for your spec. I’m not wearing BIS and I do ok because I switched specs and havent played much in 3 weeks, but I do ok or even better than ok because playing BM is easy mode.

As MM for most of my Hunter experience, I didn’t expect to like playing BM, but I kind of do. When BM was strong in the past in DF while playing my Ret, a BMs Zoo of pets swarming me was a death sentence without
specific defensives off CD and Forbearance active. BM seemed like cheating, kind of like Sniper Shot taking half of someones health from stealth felt like cheating back when that was possible. Fast forward and BM who at one time deserved buffs, sure got them, probably too many, and MM has had more bugs and nerfs than even Ret.

The always on the move if you want, send your pets and LoS whenever you want BM playstyle is quite effective, but most of the skill expression is left to landing inturupts on the correct spells at the best time and landing aimed CC, which isnt much but it is something.

With MM, being chased by 1 great melee or 2 or more mediocre ones causes serious reductions in the MMs damage output, and while playing BM I feel more slippery and far more effective while being attacked.

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I know BMs zoo of pets feels unfair I cant even LOS them they just stay on me until I kill the Huntard I die or I vanish they buffed BM little to much and now its most likely gonna need to be gutted again they can never keep BM balanced IMO

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