Many people have said this, including high level players, but specs that have to sacrifice AoE for single target damage or Vise Versa, suffer a lot in their ability to do well in high level content. BM is arguably the worst victim of this issue. Nearly every other spec has easy access to their core AoE mechanics/abilities or are given them for free. BM on the other hand requires you to pick up three different talents to do any AoE; without Multishot, Beast Cleave, and Kill Cleave, you have zero AoE aside from Stomp. This is akin to removing Whirlwind from Fury Warriors or Divine Storm from Ret Paladins. If you don’t have those abilities, you are more or less a purely single target spec.
My feedback would be to bake Beast Cleave into Multishot, then swap the Animal Companion/Solitary Companion choice node with Multi Shot. This way we get our core AoE mechanic for free, and then further specialize with talents like Kill Cleave, Barrage, and Blood Frenzy for dedicated AoE builds.
Multi Shot should be baseline like Barbed shot.
If anything bake Kill Cleave into Beast Cleave, you are never in a situation where you only take Beast Cleave
Yes. I don’t know that I’d agree with OP that “BM has it worse”, I think MM and SV are both looking at huge gaps between their M+ and ST builds, but multi-shot should definitely be baseline.
Same problem with MM and Trick shots / Aspect of the Hydra. Why on earth would you have to either or the ability to do your basic AOE damage with two target cleave.
It would be like asking mages to choose between having access to Frozen Orb&Blizzard or Splitting Ice.
Trick shots should be baseline, not a choice node with good single target.
Butchery should be baseline, not a choice node with good single target.
Multi-shot + Beast cleave should be baseline, not a two point sink.
If you want to put “extra” aoe damage, like Kill Cleave or Kill Zone or Merciless Blow on an additional node to help differentiate between roles, fine. But everyone should have the ability to do some very basic aoe in their single target spec.
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MM can get its trick shot talent very easily as it’s at the top of the tree. Survival at least at baseline has its bombs. Without Multi shot and beast cleave, bm literally has no aoe. It’s a purely single target spec without those two talents.
Name one.
Explosive shot
Bloody frenzy
Blizzard said that Solitary Companion would only he a minor DPS loss. It’s not. It’s a major DPS loss.
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Not only aoes but interrupts and tranq shot too.
I am saying for all classes too. Why do players have to spec into aoes, interrupts and tranq? Why are they not baseline? It could do well to reduce talent tree bloat just by doing that.