BM Monk looking for AOTC Guild

Hey there my name is Cowan and I’m looking for a guild for my BM Monk. I’m switching mains from my hunter bc I’m bored going pew pew and well M+ survival is fun and all, but even that gets boring. So I’m looking to go back to tanking full time. My current Ilvl is 276 and my I.o is 2766 {+19 Gambit is my highest timed} Trying to push to 3000 before season 3 is over . I’m available primarily in East Coast times for raiding and M+ between the hours of 5 pm and 11 pm EST are best for me, Im not really interested in Raiding Season 3, but would like to raid in season 4 and beyond. I’ve been playing WoW off and on {mostly on} since Vanilla and have played every expansion. I have mained Hunter, Warlock, Holy Paladin , Resto Shaman, Elemental Shaman Guardian Druid and Brewmaster Monk over the years but do not enjoy healing anymore, Tanking is my jam. Am willing to both server transfer and faction change (Just prefer Alliance) Please contact me here or hit me up in game @ Echo#16861

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Still looking

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Still looking

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Our team, Forgot to Flask, could possibly make space for a tank.

Abomination - Area 52 is an AOTC focused guild. We started as a reroll guild back in December 2021. Everyone any level any class is welcome to join us!

We have decided to partake in cross faction raiding. We have both a horde and an alliance guild set up on Area 52. All factions are welcome!

Diablo Immortal
Our raid days are Thursday and Friday 7:30pm EST - 10:30pm EST.
Our current progress is 10/11N & 11/11H & 1/11M in SotFO. In SoD our progress was 10/10N 10/10H 1/10M. Our goal is to hit heroic at a reasonable pace, achieve AOTC every tier and possibly more. Repairs, flasks, feasts, armor kits, and weapon oils will all provided for each raid when appropriate. Our needs are ranged dps and a dps with a healing offspec.

Forgot to Flask
This is our second and new raid team we are starting up! We are still building the roster for it and have space for all roles currently. Our raid days will be Sunday and Monday 7pm EST -10pm EST. The current progression is 7/11H. Our needs are mostly dps with an emphasis on ranged and perhaps another healer.

If you are not interested in raiding we have people running keys every day. Whether you are doing a +2 or +22 there are people here that will do it with you. :slight_smile:

So if you are interested in joining us, having some fun, and making new friends or have some questions feel free to join us in discord:

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Still lookiing

Would like to chat with you on discord if possible. Klarity#1518.

Reality Break is recruiting for both our CE and AoTC teams. All roles/classes will be considered. Xfaction welcome. AotC team raids Sundays from 1745-2100 Pacific (2045-0000 Est). Server Thrall
Contact Serl#1616 (Guild leader) or BellanyZimz#0791 (AotC team lead) for more info.

Still looking

Can you hit me up in game ?

Still Looking

Hey there! My guild is Refresh on Thrall. We can assist with transfers. We are AOTC focused at the moment, as some of us have stepped down from Mythic for a more casual experience. We’re actively looking for players that are seeking to improve their game and kill bosses. We are not a hardcore group so we don’t mind joking around on raid nights. We raid Tuesday and Thursday 9pm-12pm EST. Even if you can’t make the times or only one, feel free to message me and we can discuss it if you’d like.

I added your btag, feel free to reach out! Look forward to hearing from you, thanks!

Still Looking

Hi. I think you might be a good fit for our AOTC guild, Moonwell Dancers.

Founded in February 2005, Moonwell Dancers is a casual, friendly Alliance guild on the Uldum server.

We play World of Warcraft for fun, and the guild has grown based on the idea that players can reach their shared goals in a friendly atmosphere far more effectively than in the cutthroat environment typical of so-called “raiding” guilds. We raid. We just have fun doing it. We raid Fri/Sat 5-730pm PST. We also run m+ throughout the week.

We also have achievement seekers. And battleground and arena gurus. We’re knowledgeable and helpful. And we have plenty of casual players who just like to explore what Azeroth has to offer.

If you’re still interested, my btag is Epsilonp#1422.

Greetings and Salutations Cowan!

True Defiance is a community-oriented guild that is chill and laid back while focusing on having fun, during raids and knocking out Mythic+ dungeons, ranging anywhere from +15 to +20 and sometimes beyond, though chaos and pandemonium quickly erupts afterwards; usually followed by hysterical laughter.

We welcome all players. From the newly created newbi, to the battle hardened veteran that wiped hundreds of times on Anduin. We have an experienced raid team that aims to get AOTC every tier and is always willing to help people out.

If you play horde, or on a different server/realm group, that’s no problem! We’ve got a cross faction community that is active and we are more than happy to include you without having to change factions!

Below is our raid times, and current progression.

Raid schedule:
Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 – 11:00pm EST
Current Progression:
SoFO: 10/11H, 11/11N
Current Recruitment Needs
We’re looking for raid ready DPS and healers for Heroic progression.
High priority needs:
• Enhancement Shaman
• Warlock
• Warrior
• Balance Druid
All applicants will be considered regardless of class/spec.
Our Goals
Each tier we strive to achieve AOTC and get the Meta achievements.
We would love to get the chance to chat with you and get to know each other better. We are on the connected Vek’Nilash, Nazgrel, and Nesingwary server group.
If interested, feel free to reply to this post or contact one of our contacts listed below.

Btag: Spiritmaster#11977
Bnet: Bromston#1620
Bnet: Natsumi#11650

Or hit us up on Discord

Look forward to running with you soon!

Are you guys even looing for a tank?

Still looking

we are looking for a tank for raiding and m+. Our MT is taking an extended break and our retpal has been tanking while we look to finish off AOTC and move onto DF.

Hi Cowan, seems like you have been pretty active on your post, and that as of a day ago you were still looking. We are Tom Sellecks Mustache on Thrall (Est), an adult Normal/Heroic raiding guild. I am interested in talking with you about tanking with the guild. Take a look at our guild information, and if you are interested hit me up.
Good luck in your search.

Tom Sellecks Mustache a Normal/Heroic Raiding Guild on Thrall (Since 2015) is looking for a more to join us for the end of Shadowlands

At Tom Sellecks Mustache we value the player above all, so we recruit the person behind the mask not the toon. We look for people that want to be part of a family, people that enjoy logging on to be part of a community, and people that remember that this is “a Game”, and it’s supposed to be fun.

TSM is made up of mature adults and we have no time for drama or elitist players, we play the game for what it is “A Game”. We laugh and carry on in Discord while we raid, but we try not to take ourselves too seriously, so we just run back and try again when we die. With a little effort and some encouragement, we get the job done and are able to sit back and laugh about our mistakes but celebrate and enjoy our success.


As a mustachioed person in this guild, I would like to add the following. Mature means that we cut up and have a good time, all the while being respectful, not hurtful. We taunt, cajole, exhort, and tease each other, but never losing an undertone of kindness and a regard for our fellow mustachers.
PS. If you are on the heal team, none of this may apply. :wink:

Currently Seeking:

Fulltime position available!
DPS/Tank Off-spec to fill in and run Mythic +


Heals/DPS off spec to fill in as needed

Would love to have a Warrior (we have none)

Raid Schedule:

Tues./Thur. 7:00pm - 9pm EST

TSM is a Normal/Heroic raiding guild, Mythic raiding isn’t our goal.

What we are looking for from You:
We are an Adult guild, most of us have careers/families etc., and understand that sometimes Real Life happens. That being said our time is valuable and we are looking for players that can consistently make it to the raids. We aren’t looking to be server firsts, but we don’t want to be last either.

If you are looking for a positive raiding experience without all the Min-Max Elitist, then we may be the right guild for you. Come talk to us you will not be disappointed.

Contact: Battlenet - Zuul#1119 for more information.

Definitely interested. I sent you an in game friend request. You guys sound like you might be just my type and the raid times are perfect.

Im interested, are guys in need of a tank? For your raid?