8/8N and 1/8H Brewmaster Monk, Beastmaster Hunter, and Resto Druid LF weeknight AOTC raid team. Longtime raiders with previous AOTC and mythic experience.
If you’re cool to raid horde, and the monk can dps we may have spots for you. Add me if interested. Take care =D
Discord: Jaystir#1204
Raid Times: Tuesday/Thursday 8pm-11pm EST
Moted is an AOTC guild focused on clearing AOTC each tier, and then pushing as much mythic content as we can. We are a chill group of players who have some extensive CE experience (World top 100) but we’re looking for something more relaxed. We have a lot of fun during raid and encourage each other during the harder fights. We do not tolerate toxicity or negativity. Wiping is frustrating as is and we do not need negative attitudes bringing down team mor…