BM is second last on WCL > 95th > Overall?

For a pacifist he’s got quite the hair trigger in those games.

Yeah, he’s over the top.

But that 3% nerf really doesn’t seem warranted looking at the graphs you’ve posted.

Honestly, I’m surprised how damn low ‘Assassination-Rogue’ are on those lists. :scream:

— I mean we knew Blizzard must’ve had something out for them, when they nerfed Exsanguinate from 45 seconds to a whopping 3 minute cooldown but yikes – They’ve certainly fallen from their glory days. :joy:

Oh, definitely. I’m still confused why they’re getting nerfed. But ragemode’s ragemode thread is still :roll_eyes:

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Sucks to suck

—A Guardian Druid

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Nah, Caesar is angry

I still dont understand the 3% nerf tho. We don’t really deserve it.

the single target is at the point where if it were warlocks doing that, OP would be demanding lock nerfs

They kind of are.

I appear to lack the status to post links in my posts, but search up something like this link to see the reference:

https ://www. warcraftlogs. com/zone/statistics/31#difficulty=4&metric=bossdps&dataset=50

Rogue Assassination 60.66
Hunter Survival 59.85
Hunter Beast Mastery 59.74
Warlock Affliction 59.70
Death Knight Unholy 55.55

That’s boss damage, 50th percentile, Heroic.

I am, honestly, struggling to understand the reasoning for the nerf. On the whole, I don’t actually care all that much. I’m still going to do well, have fun, contribute enormously to the success of my M+ group and my raid group, even with the nerf.

But I do not understand why they chose to. If it’s not an issue for Surv or Sin or Aff or Unholy to do that kind of boss damage, is it an issue for us? Perhaps it is harder to nerf those without being excessive.

And if ST is the problem, then would it not have been a better idea to reduce the damage on one of our ST talents such as Bloodshed? But then maybe we just re-talent into something else that is almost as good.

I admit I do not understand it. And I usually give Blizz a lot of benefit of the doubt. But it doesn’t bother me much.

They don’t really balance around 50% heroic, take a look at 90%+ mythic boss damage to see why

I strongly believe the opposite. I believe Blizzard makes balance decisions around the middle tier far far far more than the high tiers. Because they know there are far more players and subscribers in that tier.

By the way, the high Mythic tiers look similar but Aff is on top. I started there.

So, the problem with balancing for the middle tiers, is that most of what you’re seeing in 50% heroic logs is not actually class balance, it’s variations of player skill. Much better to balance for an environment where you can both control for player skill better, and where balance actually matters.

Because for players not at the very top of the ladder, class balance doesn’t really matter. You gain more by improving as a player than by re-rolling to the current top tier class/spec.

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