BM hunters

Is this just another flithron/amoranis/that “eu” lvl 10 ww, but actually on a Max lvl character to try and throw us off?


oh man this thread has some potential.

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Aren’t all the top hunters MM atm? Last I looked anyways specifically in 3s

It also took him 4 months to get where he is. Don’t let him pretend he wasn’t trying either!

At this point I think his bow is broking or something :roll_eyes:

i mean something is broken maybe up in the head area kekw

Let me know when you queue so I can farm you :slight_smile:


LOL a challenger rogue. Farming me?

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You understand we both play at the same cr, right? Difference is I’m less geared, play outlaw instead of a hunter, and que with 1400 lfr healers for conquest boxes :slight_smile:
You act like 1800 is hard to get LOL.
Like I said, let me know when you’re queueing up.

weird trolling

not even trolling at this point, they are just delusional

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So a trash outlaw rogue is gonna farm me? Chill out it isn’t even April fools yet :roll_eyes: also I’m too high rated to que into you Bestie :kissing_heart:

Can you figure out how dumb you are by looking at this? Legit question.


How’s my rating? BM is fine. I’m playing it at 2600-2700 MMR. I’ve face more BM than any other hunter spec above 2100. Most hunters issue is positioning and blowing CDs at the wrong time. I literally watch hunters use masters call the second a snare hits them and wonder why their pets are in roots during their CDs. I have far more of an issue of dying in stuns to ret/ww/warrior/rogue then getting damage out. Literally the easiest class/spec in the game to do damage. EVEN if my pets get CC’d I’m doing 3k-3.5k dps with cobra shot during CDs (thank you necrolord modifiers)

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Am monk me not able to read :crazy_face:

Am hunter me not able to get rating on literally the easiest most busted spec :crazy_face:


There’s no chance this is a real person. This is a troll right?

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You did not just call priest the easiest healer while you have a thread up about BM and rdruid needing buffs.

There’s zero chance you’re not a troll.

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