BM Hunters. All the advantages of Melee and Ranged with no downsides

I was shocked when I leveled up a BM hunter.

Here is a single class/spec that has absolutely no disadvantage.

All the benefits of melee insta cast spells, with none of the downsides melee has to deal with.

All of the benefits of ranged, with none of the downsides ranged has to deal with.

I really don’t understand how the devs can tell other ranged casters that they have to stand and cast spells because that is the trade off of being ranged.

Or tell melee they have to chase adds and dodge all the crap on the ground because that is the trade off of having all insta cast abilities.

Seriously doesn’t add up IMO.

  • T

The only downside to BM IMHO is and always has been pet pathing and aggro distance.


I can’t argue with any of this, its a laid back spec for sure.


I’m pretty sure this is why BM has a stigma against it.


BM and Havoc desperately need some skill injected into them.


Yup no real downside other than the fact that it’s so boring I couldn’t stand playing it any more but I suppose that’s not the kind of downside you were looking for.


Paladins are not much better… come on now.


Revive pet is changing to 6 seconds cast time, in hopes to deter reckless abandon of pet health where players ignore mend pet and exhilaration, simply revive their pet after death. The longer cast time now poses actual danger between pet deaths.


Lets be honest, fire mages are even more OP right now for dps. Standing isn’t hurting mages that much. Not much to worry about in when it comes to BM hunter. Playing DH isn’t any less OP as well.


This is the correct downside.


Doing a HV mask run on a BM Hunter and on a Fire Mage, it’s a very different experience indeed.

Great if you can turret, not so great if you have to move constantly.

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Support classes will always take more skill. Get over it.

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Yeah your totally right! BM hunters should be nerfed for being good at solo content. The whole game should be balanced around visions. I think fire mages need a buff?? I hear 20% extra damage for all mages chanting in the background as I write this.

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Rofl Paladin takes no skill, BM is harder to play.


Right? It’s super fun on days when I don’t feel like being challenged.

It’s good for soloing content, and it’s good for days when I feel like mindlessly farming something.

The biggest challenge is learning how to honestly max the DPS (harder than it looks, like with most classes), and when to dismiss the pet. Learning how to truly extend that 3-buff barbed shot to its max and time the cooldown usage is not the hardest DPS rotation in WoW, but it’s not mindless, either.

Agreed. Ret pally is the one spec I’ve seen successfully maxed with one-button macros. It’s utterly mindless.


Its a chill laid back spec but its not god at everything. Most bm hunters I’ve run with who were excellent were still lower dps then a similar skilled rogue or unholy etc

Advantages though yah its great. And a great class and spec for newer players to play to learn mechanics. But it also can get boring and repetitive. So to each their own.

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Everyone knows this, which is why BM should always be a middle-dps spec.

The only reason it’s high damage right now is because BFA broke gear with Azerite and Corruption and whatnot.

BM is simple to play, aside from pet management (which is simple enough) hence it should never be top DPS.

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I love my hunter. she is super chill to play. i’m one of those filthy casuals tho.


Being dramatic isn’t helping. I simply pointed out an example with ref. to your comment.

It’s called a discussion forum for a reason, not lining up with everything you say can happen.


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Kill Command can be slightly annoying, but is a small price to pay all things considered.

BM isn’t hard, but the current rotation doesn’t just involve mindless button spam and I find myself tripping up on making sure I open properly. However any complexity the spec has is propped up by the azerite traits and once you get the feel for it a lot of it boils down to just going back and forth between KC and SS while popping BS at 2 stacks or before your buff drops.