BM Hunter set bonuses?

Is it even worth crafting? it uses kill command, and normally hunter doesn’t bother with kill command, thoughts? for pvp, that is… ty guys

Dunno. Maybe? It feels fine without tier.

Is it that unfathomable to add a button to BM rotation if said button becomes exponentially better


Thanks for heads up!!

The 2 piece and 4 piece are both good. 45% bonus crit chance on kill command makes it a priority, and when KC crits it adds 40% damage to the next cobra shot.

Just curious why you would think either of those is bad?


Sorry for being a newb, but what ability gives frenzy? i dont see any ability that gives frenzy in my spelllbook or pet spells…

Marks and SV transform a lot more with tier than BM does. Tier is still worth using as BM, and you do want to add KC back into your rotation, but be mindful of not trying to spam it when your pet is rooted or CC’ed. BM tier basically just makes KC crit more, and those KC crits make a random cobra shot hit harder.

Barbed shot applies one stack of frenzy.

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Oh nvm``~~

Bleed shoot make pet bite faster.


You’ll need to setup a weak aura to keep track of your pets frenzy buff. But 3x stacks is a massive damage boost that you need to be maintaining. You never want to drop that 90% attack speed on your pet if you can avoid it.

Basic rotation:
Barbed, Barbed, Bestial Wrath, Barbed, fill with KC / cobra in between frenzy refresh.

Press barbed again at 1-2 seconds before frenzy buff drops if you have 1 charge, or immediately when you have 2 charges (from procing another charge) and bestial wrath is on cooldown. Remember that pressing barbed shot lowers the remaining cooldown on bestial wrath.

Hope this helps! :+1:

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needing a weakaura for a buff you can watch on yourself

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I mean, sure. You can not use a weakaura if you hate yourself.

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Acting like weak aura players are bad. The addon is to streamline your eyes icons and sound parsed information on game to be more optimal. Any take on addons should be removed cracks me up everytime.

If people want to customize ui and have advantage in pvp power to them.