BM Hunter question

Approximately how much of a BM Hunters damage profile comes directly from the primary pet?

Are we talking 50% of all damage, or more like 30%?

The pet with you pressing nothing, or counting kill command, beast cleave etc. that need your input?

30% or some

Source: Trust me dude.

This isn’t my parse, but it’s from a hunter who consistently tops the parses. I haven’t raided in a while, so I don’t know the best fight to choose. I just chose the first fight, Gnarlroot.

edit: if you wanted to math out the actual number, everything in that picture with a yellow line is damage from the hunter. Everything with a blue line is the hunter’s pets. Some of it is active damage, some of it is passive damage.

2nd edit: I picked a horrible fight; it’s all AOE. Went and found a single target fight. :joy:

~80% is the final answer.


Just ask in the Hunter class discord. Get some math’d out replies from their numbers people: