BM Hunter pets unable to attack ranged adds on SIre Denathrius fight

This HAS to be a bug, as I cannot believe the development team would be so short-sighted as to design an encounter that completely neuters Beastmastery hunters. Hell, my pets teleport everywhere ELSE, especially when I don’t want them too, not sure why they can’t “reach” the targets (given they’re FLYING pets).

Apparently, the one Demonology Warlock left in WoW has the same issue with their summoned demons.

Can we get this fixed, please?


This isn’t limited to this fight. I have problems in Torghast and any other dungeon that has a platform that I am ported to or have to jump down. My pet just hangs out at the edge and I have to dismiss and re-summon. There is another thread with additional comments. BM hunters can't Kill Command adds on Denathrius - #7 by Namisan-garona

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