BM Hunter - Pet "melee" damage

Question I feel like I should know the answer to, but…

Ran a m+ FH last night, and there was another hunter in the group. We were very similarly geared… he did have a 475 weapon, and he was using the razor coral. Other than that, we were close. When going through Details, his pets were consistently outperforming mine. For instance… on Kragg, both of our pets had 139 “melee” hits. My pet averaged around 6200 per hit, and his were at 8500! That same baseline was through all aspects of the dungeon. On “hunter abilities”, as well as the bite/smack/claw of the pets, we were very close… but his pets melee damage blew mine away.

I was pre-potting before fights, don’t know if he was… with those numbers, I assume so??.. if not, what stat/buff/whatever pushes those melee numbers up that much? The razor coral? 10 ilvl on a weapon make that much of a difference?


Razor Coral can be a huge benefit, giving bleeds and a big bomb to the enemy affected.
It can also depend on what pets you both were using because some have drastically different attack speeds, the effect varying on how extreme the difference of the speed is…

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All pet attack speeds are normalised in retail

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I was going to say it was frenzy stacks but you said you both had the same amount of white attacks. The only other thing I can think of is he had more bestial wrath casts. if he took one with the pack and has higher crit he would get more barbed shots off meaning more bestial wraths. But you also have the same with 41% crit so I doubt that.

Only other thing I can think of is he had the skit bow to reduce bestial wrath cd or maybe had more crit corruption.

not entirely. Attack speeds were added into the game in Legion, but most are not noticeable, save for the extreme ends like Deth’Tilac(0.5) and Chimaeron(4.0). Check it out on Eyes of the Beast, there’s a post from the pre-patch about it.

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Can’t seem to find it but I did find this on EotB

Pets from all three specializations — Ferocity, Tenacity, and Cunning — will all deal the same DPS and have the same amount of baseline health and armor, but they will be differentiated by new and powerful abilities.

Dps is same yes, but some pets have different attack speeds

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Cool thanks for the link!

Broken Tooth lives! Hunter pets can have different attack speeds once again

You have go down further to find it.

With 8.3 BM scaling went really weird. We scale with secondaries far better than any other class. Your ilvl might of been the same but you stats could be WILDLY different.

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That and they’re almost black and white in what you should get, but also(to me) can vary, based on what you want for your build.

There is no give in the build. Its 3 dod and then as many pi as possible.

Crit and haste are worth almost as much as weapon damage and vers only a bit less with mastery slightly behind. The kicker is while mastery is our worst stat it is still pretty much more dps per point than any other classes best secondary.

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the only thing that I can think is he might have mastery proc corruptions or higher mastery that increased his pets damage. I have times where I have 170% master when everything procs mastery for me and my pet damage goes wild


Same, I can hit 127% haste 94%crit and 175% mastery during hero. I have both a 12% more crit and 12% more hate corruption. Procs skyrocket my damage.

Getting the right traits is killing me. What pieces should I be aiming for, raid bits or titan residuum?

right now its 3 dance of death mandatory and 3 primal instints or 2 primal and one crit proc one. aim for crit to be 40% +