BM Hunter Online

Talk Jim into queuing double BM/Disc before it’s too late.

I have no problem with pets being killed i only expect it not to be to cleave damage. You should actively have to be targeting the pet in order to kill it. The hole games filled with aoe when pets die to that like in shadowlands it was a terrible joke. But if you have to target it like an actual player in order to kill it then sure im ok with rez being a bit harder.

But giving free wins to players just because they have aoe damage in their rotation when they dont even realize they are killing ur pet then the hunter is punished by a bad player when pet dies was also bs. So balance needs to exist if your gonna add another out play against hunter. Also if hunter heals correctly at that point you should struggle hard to kill it real hard as if its a player since rez would be long. Trade offs

If you send the dark arch and PI on me, I will be your champion.

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That would require us to have to enable pet nameplates, which is a huge buff to BM hunter because it’s so annoying. Rogue and Feral AOE still kill pets atm.

They can start by removing the BM talent that makes master call 18 sec cd or the hippo heal a 1 min cd, remove the fear immunity, give survival instincts a little bit more so the defensives require a little more intriguing gameplay

Yeah I learned that rez pet is protected now, dumb change. Wonder what dev plays hunter

Dark ranger users smh… Pack leader real spec

I think it’s stomp, especially during wild call. I’m not Dark Ranger on my BM and I’m in all greens and I was stomping mudholes in people.

Am I wrong for thinking its fine since its a 2m burst cd? I do agree with what Digitzoid said though bout it being black arrow that thing procs so much as BM. I think they need to not only tune down the damage of it but the proc chance as well.
Also on a side note I am kind of curious if the reason they didn’t do changes at all is because in blitz it’s mostly MM Hunters and in EU for 3v3 at 2400+ Hunter in general doesn’t seem to be as popular as here. This is data from Seramate for EU.
https: //seramate .com/eu/activity?type=3v3&timeframe=24h&page=1&rating=[2400,2800]&perPage=50

IDK the source of it, but whatever it is, yes it’s wrong. BM hunters should not doing single target damage that contends with ferals AOE damage. If feral is op, BM hunter is an order of magnitude worse.

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I strongly think the reason BM Hunter is doing all that damage in and outside of burst is Black arrow. When I play it and Call of the wild is up I get an insane amount of Black arrow procs. Black arrow cleaves while also doing insane single target damage. The reason for right now I thought the stomp damage was fine is because I think Black arrow and other Dark ranger talents are actually over the top for BM right now. Basically the root cause is Dark Ranger hero talent tree and Black arrow.

EDIT: BM still gets a crap ton of black arrow procs outside of Call of the wild too but overall I think the most impactful nerfs will be to the Dark ranger talent tree and black arrow.

Looks like stomp (from all pets combined) and black arrow both attribute for 10-20% of bm’s damage. Given how far ahead they are right now in single target I would argue adjusting just one wouldn’t cut it.

I think it would because black arrow hits anywhwere from 500k to 1.2 million in crits and its shadow damage. Stomp is much easier to be mitigated like bop from a pally for example. Black arrow is also a dot on top of having high initial hits mentioned above. Also the damage is not less hitting a second target. The reason I am pushing for them to do it to Black arrow is because its more impactful than stomp in every way. IF you really want to see BM tuned down you hit Black arrow. Black arrow has randomly koed someone than stomp has.

Idk it’s a lot of damage even for a 2m cd and I am pretty confident if Dark Ranger was disabled in PvP today we’d see very little change in the power of BM.

I think if Dark ranger is nerfed which it should be nerfed and why I am hoping they nerf it is because with stomp its only deadly in a 2m cd where with Black arrow its deadly non stop all the time and is a main factor in its high single target sustain and in burst windows. You want the nerfs to be on black arrow 100%. I rather them focus on tuning Dark Ranger over a Pack leader BM. What we are dealing with is a spec that does insane damage all the time getting cds without bursting or CC. If we get it to where those cds are being used every 2 min or only during certain Bestial wrath goes with CC its a step in the right direction. At least anyway that is how I see it. Its why I try to get everyone on the same page to nerf Dark ranger and Black arrow over anything else right now because that is by far the strongest most broken thing for BM right now

Yeah but it’s hard to find the sweet spot for it to make it balanced and bearable for both sides. I actually like the thought of making pets killable. They have tried to make warlock pets feel a little more mortal or finite.

What would you suggest for the other classes like hunter?

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Only one of:

  1. Resurrection sickness (-% damage) for BM pets. They were literally dead after all. I think they should also have a defensive or so if they don’t already. I know UH pets have Huddle. The strat is that the pet can use the defensive while bursting so they don’t get killed during burst, which would be pretty lame.
  2. Similar ressurection mechanic for warlocks: Long cast unless you use a 2-3 minute cooldown

Both would be overkill

Pet defensive should just be a recall giving counterplay to both sides, full agree on long cast to bring pets back from the dead though, add hastened pet rez to one of their main defensives so they can gamble on using their own defensive to rez their pet.

I think if the cast was unkickable it’d be fair too

I qued into a double BM lobby and managed to still win somehow.

Ya’ll can never make fun of a dev again, the amount of meme specs out there right now is laughable.

Kill it. Prioritize marks and sv. There has to be at least one ranged hunter spec to play. The meta is better when that ranged spec is marks and sv is also just as good, because they’ll counter each other in different situations.