BM Hunter looking for raiding m+ guild

I’ve been playing since 2004 on and off and just getting back in again for shadowlands.

My raiding availability would be after my kid goes to bed around 8pm server time on Fridays and or Saturdays.

I do play a bit throughout the week but not till as late maybe as late as 10-10:30pm server as I work Mon-fri. So I’d be interested in m+

I prefer the smaller close nit guilds.

I’m a quiet person, I’m used to using discord but mostly listen in.

I have a 120 shaman, druid, and lock as well but on other servers that I dont play on anymore.

Looking for a fresh start as the guild i was in a long time ago disbanded and left to a eastern server i was having too much trouble with time zone differences that i could be included in most things.

I like progression dont mind wiping the whole night if it means learning something from it. Due to life circumstances I can’t commit the day before for a raid but I can commit the night to it if im online.

If anyone thinks I’d be a good fit please get back to me and we can talk further.

Thanks for your time.


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Hey there, I’m the GM of Underlight Company. We are a mythic+ oriented guild primarily aimed at players who are interested in pushing end-game content, but who don’t have the time or schedule to accommodate progression raiding.

We are a relatively small guild with a tight-knit core of friendly and knowledgeable players. While we are focused on M+, I am also planning on scheduling casual heroic raids (most likely during weekends) once Castle Nathria releases.

I’d love to talk further if you’re interested! You can find us in-game, or you can message me on discord (I’m also pretty quiet and generally prefer typing :slight_smile:) (Seryx#8838)

Thank you, I have read through your guilds page there and it sounds like a fantastic guild to be a part of. I understand its my achilles’ heel but my availability doesn’t line up with your raid times. I appreciate the suggestion.

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[People of the Dragon] is a newly formed guild looking to hit the ground running for Shadowlands! We’re looking for like minded individuals that want to progress through content, while still keeping a laid back and positive raiding environment.

We’re currently raiding at 3pm server time (pst) Thursday and Saturday, with other events going on throughout the week (normal runs, keys, pvp).

We try to foster a positive community based atmosphere in everything we do. You won’t find a guild full of people who only log in for raid and you never see them throughout the week, or a clique of officers hiding out in the own locked Discord channel.

We’re currently 12/12H and helping guildies get their aotc before the pre-patch (clock is ticking).

If this sounds like the place for you, go ahead and reach out to me on bnet Rist#11421 or Discord: Rist#1742


Nephir, thankyou for leaving a post. ill get in touch the next time we’re both online.

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Behind the Curve is currently recruiting to fill spots on the late night raiding crew. We raid Tuesday-Thursday 1am-3am pst. We also have a solid crew that run M+ daily. Feel free to whisper anyone of us online and we will point you in the right or wrong direction. Also welcoming casuals. We have just transferred from Proudmoore on the Alliance side, formerly known as Late Night. Looking forward to meeting you. Butter foot massages will be provided on a reservation basis.

Message Drizz#1489