BM Hunter LF Weekend Raiding Guild!

Hello everyone,

I am currently searching for a Weekend raiding guild that runs between 8pm-2am Friday and Saturday.

My current progress is 8/8H and 2/8M as a holy paladin (name is Barecheeks on warcraftlogs).

I am looking to main swap away from healing and find a team that is consistent and fun to play with!

Btag: Mike#111526
Discord: Cheeks#0141

Guild & Server: [H][Area 52]
Raid Times/Days: Fridays and Saturdays from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. est(5-7pm PST, CT 7-9pm)
Current Progression: 8/8 N 7/8H
Recruitment Contacts: Mooney#12761 Btag, Mooney#4629 Disc
Requirements: Must always strive to improve and move forward, were LF people to flow with the content rather than fall behind. Be on time, respectful, and willing to learn. This is a semi casual prog team all for fun and games no egos.
Needs: We have openings for the following spots:
HPS:druild/monk/or shammy, DPS:any, Tank:dk/dh preferably

Hey Cheeks. Posted on your other post, but will add here too. I think we might be a good fit. Take a look at our spam and let us know!