BM Hunter LF raid guild

Hey guys, just came back to wow after a break since 8.1, currently just been pvping and doing m+10s, Looking for a chill, fun and friendly raid guild mainly heroic focused with maybe a bit of dabbling into mythic, I have multiple tiers of AoTC raiding experience and have raided on and off since TBC. I would like a guild that also does m+10s on off days and has Repairs. My preferred raid days would be 2 nights a week seperated like Mon/thurs or thurs/sat etc and i need 6-9pm server time please and thanks, leave a comment here or add me Vindictive#1524 so we can talk, thanks for your time :slight_smile:

oops made this post on my other character lol

What’s up homie. We may be a decent fit minus the broken up raid days. Hit us up.

Hey Twosh, AutoThots is a newly formed guild that a group of friends and I are starting after a long break from the game, we are working on forming a raid team for the upcoming and future raids. Our goals are to have a fun and casual progression experience through PVE content, including raids and M+ dungeons. We plan on completing AOTC for every upcoming tier, not currently planning on dipping into mythic but as we progress as a guild we will probably take a look at options like that if enough people are on board. Another thing that might interest you is that we aren’t planning on having a strict attendance, everyone has lives, and things happen.

If you’re at all interested hit us up in-game or on Discord, we can give you a little more information or chat a little about our goals and you can see if we are a match for you. God Speed!

Who are we looking for:
Autothots is a newly formed guild with the goal of primarily doing PVE content. We are trying to build up a beginner-friendly guild that is accepting of people of all schedules and skill levels. Anyone is welcome to join and we are willing to help anyone learn. Socials are welcome to apply as well.

What are our goals:
Mythic+ dungeons will always be done while people are available and willing. We are hoping to casually progress through normal and heroic raiding each tier. We are hoping to fill our roster with plenty of people with interest in a loose raiding schedule.

Roles we are currently looking for:
Healers (Any are welcome)
Dps ( Melee or Ranged)

  • People who want to play more than one spec are welcome

BN - Tatsu#1174 Discord - Tatsu#0522
BN - Lucks#11739 Discord - Lucks#9977