BM Hunter Feedback - 11.0.5 Changes

The current set of proposed changes have completely missed the fundamental problem with the BM spec as it currently exists – namely Basilisk Collar.

All the rework changes are about making Cobra Shot more important in the rotation and improving single-target damage. BM needs increased AoE/Cleave damage and a shift of power away from Basilisk Collar and into core abilities. It is a long way behind the other specs since the gutting of abilities applied on July 30/31 in the lead up to the xpac release.

Simply put Basilisk Collar over-shadows and imbalances the entire tree and since BM Hunters are able to reliably apply 5-7 DoTs on a single target but only 2-3 on multiple targets massively guts the AoE/Cleave damage of BM Hunters.

There are many ways to rectify this imbalance, I have my own suggestions below, but even if you dislike my solution, the problem is not up for debate, you have to alter the balance of power between Basilisk Collar and other BM abilities in this rework.

(1) Nerf Basilisk Collar down to 4%/8%
(2) Nerf Bloodshed down to 10% additional pet damage
(3) Swap the position of Training Expert and Killer Instinct in the tree
(4) Buff Training Expert up to 4%/8%
(5) Buff the Damage of Kill Command by 10%
(6) Buff the Damage of Beast Cleave and Kill Cleave by 20%
(7) Sync the damage fall off of Multi-Shot with that of Beast Cleave and Kill Cleave (i.e. deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets)

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