Even if it’s only a display bug, this is still an extremely critical issue. We should be able to rely on the numbers shown on the character sheet. Personally, I haven’t seen an issue before where the stats on the sheet aren’t correct, so I think we aren’t getting the crit.
At any rate, a bug like this should’ve been fixed in the 2 weeks between 8.2 launching and Season 3 starting. We at least need some feedback from Blizzard or to have this added to the known issues list so we’ve been acknowledged.
Well everyone, I did some digging and I don’t think this is technically bugged. I was looking on this forum for issues with Mrrl initially, so of course when I saw this and tested and saw base crit chance isn’t increased, I assumed it was broken as well.
But, if you search for this issue, you’ll find reports of it from before 8.2. In fact, there are references to this behavior in some well-documented places, like Bendak’s BM guide on Wowhead.
It seems AotW doesn’t increase your base crit chance as you’d expect from the description, and instead increases crit chance of your abilities individually, presumably so it can’t affect trinkets and similar things.
I do consider this to be incredibly unintuitive, especially given that other, similar effects do increase your character sheet stats. The tooltip should say something to allude to this behavior. But, I have no proof it’s not working, and it seems it’s worked this way for a while.
As far as Thrill of the Hunt goes, there may be something similar going on, but I couldn’t find as much info about this. If it works the same way and doesn’t increase base crit chance explicitly, that would explain the known issue of pets not inheriting its effect.
Still broken. I have been getting excited about building azurite traits and essences, and upset Aspect of the Wild isn’t increasing crit. That’s a huge bug that hurts our big offensive cooldown. I was considering getting the essence that causes AotW to proc, but that wouldn’t make sense if half the ability isn’t working.
What’s the deal? I just hit 120 kinda frustrated about this.