BM hunter 2 set - Remove PvP modifier

Initially this was a double strength barbed shot for PvE, with a 0.5 modifier in PvP to make it a normal barbed shot in PvP. This would have been fine for PvP.

After reset this week it will be 100% strength barbed shot in PvE, with a 50% modifier in PvP still on it at time of writing.

This means if we have a normal barbed shot bleed on a target in PvP, and we press bestial wrath, or get a tier set proc, we will replace a normal strength barbed shot bleed with a 50% strength one. Nerfing ourselves twice a minute just for running 2 piece tier!

Please don’t let this go live and make us not use ANY tier for the whole season.


(post deleted by author)

Came here with this exact thought in mind upon seeing the changes. Although I think this is a low priority fix for them unfortunately.

Instead they just nerfed our damage by 5% again today >:

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I’m a doomer. Wait until the tier set comes in.