BM Hp, armor and dmg

Why does BM have WAY less hp and armor, and do way less damage than all other tanks? I’m asking for real, I haven’t played since Legion. My 603 BM has way less hp and armor than my 590 Guardian and does less dps. I tanked the raid with a 599 Blood, they had over 1 million more hp than me and almost double my dps on st. Tanked with a 598 Warrior that had 800k more hp than me. I haven’t seen any Prot Pallies. Tanking Heroic Rasha’nan on BM is the worst tanking experience I’ve ever had.

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It’s been like this since Dragonflight. Blizzard nerfed Stagger and they basically spent all the DF giving us paltry improvements in self-healing so by the time DF S4 rolled around, we were essentially a Green BDK instead of a smooth damage intake tank. Now they’ve nerfed our self-healing on top of it, so we feel like hot garbage right now.


I found the ST damage to be okay, compared to Bear they do a bit more unless the bear is running DoTC.
Compared to prot paly its about the same.

As for HP, prot paly and Monk generally have had the same within a couple %.

The main issue, BrM has very little in the way of raising Armour, they have high dodge and are meant to smooth over damage intake with stagger, relying on dodge chance rather than armour.

With the nerf to Celestial Brew and Expel Harm though, i feel like my BrM is taking much more damage at all times.

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