BM buffs please

Worst spec in the game atm


I haven’t got to play in weeks :frowning: was hoping to come back and try to push some BM but I guess I’ll play rogue.

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He’s trolling, bm is insane RN.


I tried mine for the first time in weeks and lost 5 games in a row last night…they definitely need buffs…

Maybe after getting my 4 set and not having to play against aegis and other 2700 xp players at rating 1700 2s will net me some wins

Last time I played I ran some solos and was able to climb mmr quick. Soon as I hit 1850mmr I got slaughtered and outplayed. Was doing decent damage but was able to control the matches a bit with rotating traps

In 2s it was either r1 aegis on sub, 2700 multi glad aff hpal teams, shuffle glad(legend?) Warrior hpal…meanwhile I got 2100 first time last season…once I dropped from 1800 mmr to 1690 we started winning again, but it was a learning experience

Only cause of a bug exploit. Base damage is low

I haven’t played my BM since second week of xpac ;(

Take my advice
Go to your talents and play marks or SV instead

I usually do. But I planned on drinking heavily tonight and need to play my brain dead spec. It’s been a lonnngg week.

:billed_cap: :billed_cap: :billed_cap: :billed_cap:
BM is prob tied for top class with like 1 or 2 others. Its insane even without bug :'D.

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Glad to see that on my 20 year anniversary of hating feral druids and BM hunters, the entire meta is dominated by them.

It is not at all LMAO


So let me get this straight… you played it for the first time in weeks with no gear and think it needs buffs because you didn’t dominate instantly? Are you kidding :person_facepalming: lol

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What is the bug in bm damage?

It got nerfed defensively already…It’s bug that made it dominate was also patched already. Do you just want it to be f tier like it has been the first part of the expansion?

I have said many times hunter players are the dumbest…


Also often true, but this thread is just people straight trolling XD


Self burn, that’s kinda rare here.

I never said any of that lol I was just laughing