BM Buffs Next Week

My concern is we are already at the bottom, bar FDK. Usually on a new patch we do mid pack as our dps is mobile till other rdps figure out when and where to plant and use CDs.

We are likely to drop further once other dps really sink thier teeth into this raid.

If you look at logs for just the last couple days, BM is below FDK now. They got actual meaningful buffs on Tuesday. They moved up several places in the rankings.

In M+, Affliction is the only spec lower than BM, but it’s not a power issue. It’s more of an issue with mobs not living long enough for Affliction to shine. However, Affliction is above the mid-line in raids, so they’re not bottom of the barrel in both like BM.

Also, if you look at sims for every spec with BiS slot gear at max item level, BM has the lowest potential of every spec by several thousand DPS.


^ this is 100% accurate. Anyone who says otherwise is clueless.

With the changes this week, frost DKs are now up a few spots, and guess who is dead last? You guessed it… BM. BM isn’t “near” the botton, it’s literally DEAD LAST on raid dps, and basically last in M+. And some of those people in those parses have the new 4p, so obviously it wasn’t anywhere near enough to even help compete against every other class in the entire game. Then add the fact that no one cares about hunter utility, compared to what other classes bring.

They didn’t deal with that bow nonsense until the season was already over… then they nerf BM again and again, so that we come into season 2 dead last. The kick in the teeth from blizzard is that lots of us never even saw that bow, even when farming multiple sources every f***ing week. So we didn’t even get the chance to capitalize on the weapon buff, due to horrible RNG odds. What a terrible way to treat players. “Your spec is half decent, but you have a 2% chance of ever seeing it the entire season. Enjoy suffering.”

And all the players who give their “personal experience” need to stop doing that too. Just because one of you guys does 1st place in some random m+ doesn’t mean anything when it comes to class balance. It just means the other 2 dps in your group are terrible, or well under your ilevel.

I fully understand it sometimes takes time to balance all the classes, but this is a repeated pattern for BM (and often all hunter specs.)


They need to make BM A 70/30 split with pet only at 30% like it was in vanilla ! This 70% pet garbage is silly! So glad to see we went from 1st at end of season 1 to Last in season 2!! Great job you incapable blizz devs!!!


This, i mentioned it in another thread, a lot of the times im top dps even when i play BM.
But once you form a group with players that also know how to use their class/spec to maximum potential, you see how behind BM is.


If it’s easier to buff BM to bring it up to pace with others go for that blizzard, but if not… then you need to balance the ladder across the board…again.

Especially in m+. I’m rank 20 on illidan at the moment for beast mastery (not saying much) and it drives me nuts some classes overall is 20k higher when I’m giving it my all.

Not only do we bring sub par DPS to a group that knows how to play, our utility is not the best, but doable if you know how to use it and we are very squishy which puts extra strain on the healer.

I’m not mad about a class who does well at some pulls, like destro or demo in large pulls, im all for it. But on a pull by pull basis and with bosses, the gap is still widening even after buffs.

*edit: Please do not insert your personal experience in a dungeon where you got first place. Play with actual good players and you’ll be astonished by the gap.

I get first place many times, and thats cause my pugs were sub-par, not their class.

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Agreed on this. I can be top dps in a dungeon group, but than in lfr way behind. The one class though I seen top in everything is Paladins. They went from being way at the bottom than threw a hiss, so Blizzard buffed them. Not only buffed them but went to hard on them they had to nerff them back just not to be overly strong. So, what happened with BM? Gave us buffs but decided that they needed to be at the bottom so ayers would pick other classes, is BM that popular?

Or is it that Blizzard doesn’t know how to play a hunter they just want us to stop, so they don’t have to actually put some work into fix them?