BM 1 or 2 pets

howdy all,

Does it matter if you run with 1 or 2 pets. I’ve seen a few people running around as BM with only 1 pet.


At the moment 2 pets is best


Any BM hunter that chooses a single pet is an abomination to the name Beastmastery.


Any BM hunter who wants two pets should be forced to run dawnbreaker for eternity.


Considering that it’s prob 2nd best dungeon to do for vault after ara-kara i’m ok with that (in current season)

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For damage output, two pets is best, but for personal choice I like just one pet. Happily, they are giving BM this choice with 11.1 in being able to choose ‘Solitary Companion’ as a talent, so BM hunters will be able to choose whether they want to run with just a singular pet, or a duo with ‘Animal Companion’.

It all depends on the content you’re engaging in. If you’re just running around the open world, questing & stuff, however you want to play is cool. Same for regular & heroic dungeons & LFG raids, imo. If you’re running higher level raids or M+, most people try to squeeze out every bit of damage out they can, so BM should run with two pets.


using a single pet is just never worth, its like 14% dps loss to not use 2 pets. You just make everything including soloing that much harder for yourself.

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Literally my favourite dungeon of the season…the heck?!

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I enjoy having two pets. For dps, then two pets. For cosmetics…well I wish they make it like in Legion. If I wanted two of the same pets, why do I have to tame two?

So … easiest dungeon for the season?

I’ll take it.

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Easiest way to think about it is;
Two Pets = Titan’s Grip
One Pet = Single Minded Fury

Hands down, every warrior is choosing Titan’s Grip because of the damage increase, and the “RAWR!!! TWO BIG WEAPONS!!!” factor. Only the rarest of ducks would spend a point for single minded fury; that dim star may be out there though, Warriors aren’t known for their great intellect.

On the PTR I’ve been using Solitary Companion with the reworked Pack Leader hero tree and really enjoying it. It’s what I hope to play next season.

It won’t be so far, the numbers still don’t compare to animal companion cause you’re getting double the procs with two pets

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