I am unable to update WoW. The update will show downloading and then it will reset and start the process over. Battle.net client would not install and continued to give the error: BLZBNTAGT00008FC. I tried everything listed in the support page/link as well as searched the forms here. Nothing suggested worked. I finally was able to get BattleNet client ‘working’ by installing in on another computer and then copying the directory over the the computer I was originally trying to install it on. It would launch and try to update and then error out. At this point the only way I could launch a game (OverWatch in this case) was to go directly into the directory/retail and launch from there. At some point, I tried again to launch BattleNet client and it opened up, showed an update. I up-dated it and now it is launching and allowing me to log in and I can launch OW, however it shows WoW has an update and it continues to ‘update’ as mentioned above. To attempt to solve this, I did the same I did to get BattleNet client. I downloaded WoW onto a different computer, copied it to the computer originally I wanted to play it on. After a few tries, I was able to run it form the WoW/retail directory directly from the .exe - NOT the battleNet launcher. I have opened several support tickets, however, sadly, the amount and extend of help they seem to be able to be able to give is mostly strictly limited to ‘try the trouble shooting guide’ which I explained from the very beginning in great detail I already did we well as many other ‘suggestion’. This went on for several support tickets with the ‘solution’ always being - consult the guide. The last ticket was basically saying sorry, this is all the extent of help we have, please post the issue on our form, or take your computer to a local IT/computer shop and see if they can help you (which that suggestion in and of itself is totally unbelievable to receive form 'tech support). Anyways - any help would be apricated and thank you in taking time to read this small novel.
Assuming you mean this one?
Tell us more about the PC your having install issues, Mac/Win/Linux.
It seems to have installed on another PC? Tell us what is different between the 2, security software? Admin accounts?
Unfortunately Blizzard does not provide direct technical support, hence the support pages. They really can’t anyway through web tickets, it is what it is.
Thank you for the quick reply and information.
Dell Precision 3640 Tower / 16GB Ram / Windows 10 Pro (64-Bit) / Build: 19045.5608 / 3 - SSD. C: is the Boot / E and F storage / Standard windows defender / Using Admin accounts on both computers. The ‘other’ computer is just an older computer - Windows 7, 16GB ram / AMD Proc. 3 SSD as well. Standard windows defender as well. On the ‘problem’ computer, OverWatch(OW) runs and seems to update without much an issue and it updates as well. World of Warcraft (WoW) will not update, it’s shows an update, will update to like 2% maybe at the most, pause, and then restart from the beginning. I have left it on over night hoping it would perhaps somehow update, but it did not. BattleNet client is installed in Drive-C. OW is on Drive-F and WoW is on Drive-E.
Part of the troubleshooting before I came here involved making a new admin account as the support site suggested. When I tried to install from the new Admin. account it would get to about 48% install, stop, and throw the error mentioned.
Thank you also for your explanation concerning the Blizzard technical support.
Sometimes separating Bnet from the games, especially if multiple drives are involved, can cause other issues. Is it possible to install everything on one drive?
Additionally, make sure if you’re going to stick with multiple drive installs that they are the correct format (NTFS) and have enough free space for the game and pagefile (so game size + 15% of the total drive size free).
Thank you for the reply.
The problem being I can not use BattleNet client to install anything on the computer.
It simply says for example on WoW, there is an update… it will get to 2% and then start over. See link below for screen shots (Sorry - I do not see a way to attach a screen shot).
The E-Drive has about 60GB free and the F-Drive has about 1.09TB free.
I can try to move WoW to drive the F-Drive (the same as I have OW on). I assume I can then use the ‘find’ game in BattleNet client and point it to the WoW directory on the F-Drive.
Please note (if this helps any):
- I CAN play both OW and WoW buy running the .EXE (in the ‘Retail’ directory) from the respective directory on each drive.
- I CAN play OW from the BattleNet client by pressing the PLAY button (I assume this is because OW is up to date and no patch is needed)
- I CAN NOT play WoW form the BattleNet client - the ‘PLAY’ is gray out as there is an update pending as mentioned above. : imgur(dot)com/a/C6qWNIx
Sorry for the (dot) in the Imgur… for some reason it tells me I can not post a link in my post, however there is an option for a link in the formatting bar.
Thank you for your time and help in this.
OW and WoW are now both on the same SSD, BattleNet Client is also on the same SSD. The same issue as above is happening, no change.
I’m guessing there are too many file fragments that were downloaded over time causing this clash.
You can try these steps:
Beyond that, I don’t know any other tips for problems installing stuff on Windows.
Thank you for the reply and suggestion.
I have followed the instruction as indicated in the support file you referenced (Deleting Battle.net files). WoW still will not upgrade… perhaps better to say is that BattleNet client will not allow WoW to be upgraded/Patch. It is doing the same thing. It will get to 2% and then restart / queue all over again.
When I deleted the BattleNet client, it did not know where the OW and WoW directory was, of course. I pointed it to the OW directory and it said it needed to be patch(OW), and it did patch it and update it. I then pointed it to the WoW directory, it found it, and said it needed updating. I pressed the update button and it presented with the actions stated above.
Thank you for your continued help in trying to solve this problem.