
Haven’t played in a few months, now I am getting the BLZBNTAGT000008A4 when trying to download the 16GB update. Updates for other Blizzard games I have, installed without issue. Looks like there was a similar issue a week or so ago but that was resolved. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Same thing going on here. Usually will sit at downloading at 355 k/s and then the pop up happens. Looking through the other thread, I have MORE than enough storage and time machine isn’t running. No firewall or anything either. Pretty ticked off as if this isn’t resolved I won’t be getting my in-game gifts for Christmas. : (

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Having the same issue here. Just gathered my log files using

and sent them to

I’ve been experiencing this issue for a few days on my Mac. I have tried all the uninstalls, reboots, firewall tips, etc. I finally ran the LogGoblin process in the link above and have sent it over to Blizz. We’ll see what happens…

Same, I am unable to play on my laptop ( and about to do a lot of traveling ). Really bummed about it.


/10 chars

I’m having the same problem. I keep seeing some folks saying they’ve found a solution, but I can’t seem to locate the solution steps.

I was stuck with the same problem. Hooked up to a VPN and it’s downloading now. If a VPN’s an option I’d use it. I’m guessing there’s a problem with the CDN.

correction: vvv this is right I just had good/bad timing

It just started working for me now. Perhaps they fixed it? Hope you are all able to get it resolved!

Howdy everyone!

Thank you for all the reports. We’ve sent everything up to the Dev’s to get this looked into. I do apologize we didn’t get this out to ya’ll sooner.

Please keep an eye out on it to be fixed, looks like a at least one person is working again. If we need any additional information I’ll get it posted as soon as I know.

I am having the same issue - I just opened a ticket on my account. Please look into this - I just reactivated my account today and would really like to be able to actually play the game.

Howdy everyone!

I have received requests for log goblin files for this issue. If you have a moment please see the below link on how to get the information. Once you have it email it to:
Subject: Mac Can’t install/update WoW

Log Goblin Steps

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I have sent an email with the requested logs. The initial request is made to update the game and the following log segment indicates it is setting the UI to a failure state. Hopefully agent error 2212 is meaningful to someone.

D 2018-12-26 06:55:56.796436 [InstallManager] {Main} Update started: wow
D 2018-12-26 06:56:06.130913 [ProductState] {Main} InstallState (wow): currentOperationStatus=Running bytesToDownload=16535961399 downloadRate=209725 downloadRemaining=16535961399 progress=0.014486 playableProgress=0.014486 thresholds=(0.02082,0.386356)
E 2018-12-26 06:56:52.463801 [InstallManager] {Main} Update failed: wow setFailedState=1
D 2018-12-26 06:56:52.464773 [InstallInfo] {Main} Failed state changed to true for agentUid=wow_enus
D 2018-12-26 06:56:52.464860 [ProductState] {Main} InstallState (wow): currentOperationStatus=Waiting bytesToDownload=0 downloadRate=0 downloadRemaining=0 downloadRemainingExists=0 playableProgress=0 thresholds=()
D 2018-12-26 06:56:52.468399 [InstallInfo] {Main} Operation status changed: opType=Update oldStatus=On newStatus=Off agentUid=wow_enus
D 2018-12-26 06:56:52.468446 [ProductState] {Main} InstallState (wow): currentOperationStatus=New
I 2018-12-26 06:56:52.470694 [Frontend] {Main} Switching Progress display mode. uid=wow mode=Invisible
E 2018-12-26 06:56:52.472434 [InstallManager] {Main} An agent error occurred: wow_enus, code=2212 url=/update/wow_enus
E 2018-12-26 06:56:52.472485 [ErrorManager] {Main} An error occurred: BLZBNTAGT000008A4

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Restarting the application multiple times allows me to intermittently download some data. It is not always successful. I have been able to download about 50-100 megabytes of data in the last three restarts. Very odd.

The only other change I have made locally is to switch to using google dns and clearing my local dns cache.

I’m basically trying to get tiny bits of it to download JUST so it’s playable and I can get the Winter Veil things. But it’s pretty annoying to be paying for something that’s 100% unplayable at present AND has a time-sensitive event going on.

I’m having the same issue. Hearthstone is downloading just fine. I did a factory reset of my computer to get rid of unseen clutter, and I wanted to redownload and play today :(. Guild is starting to raid again soon and I want to be 100% prepared. We’re finally attempting mythic g’huun. I opened a support ticket but have not heard back.

Same issue for me as described above. I sent my logs to the tech support email.

Hopefully have a resolution soon.

Just got off the phone with support. They said its a common issue they are having with Mac computers atm.

Having this issue as well

Edit: update is now downloading and game is at ‘playable’ state!


Also having this issue… spoke with a rep via chat. They couldn’t offer any assistance. Only said they were having the issue and working to resolve it. I have limited time I was planning to play. Hoping for a resolution soon.