Blues News: September 1, 2023

Well they definitely seem very automated then

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Check mate!!! Lol


Boy, would it be easy if they were. :wink:


Oh nooooo, you had to type 4 lines of text.


How about Blizz tells us why this month’s Traveler’s Journal is for 60 days and not 30 like normal?


i remember the days when you could actualy talk to a gm in game, in a whisper chat, once in awhile, you may see one in game , i miss the days when wow was more meaningful, kinda just fell like a number now :frowning:


Yeah I think something needs to change internally in regards to customer service and community outreach. It sounds like they have too many weird internal rules or something going on affecting their ability to communicate more. They could at least act like they love us :frowning:

They at least tried with the community council thing I think. I will say the Diablo IV campfire chat was a good thing imo that maybe WoW could adopt. But this isn’t a we did it one time kinda thing but an ongoing thing that needs to persist over the entire expansion.

When there is more meaningful community engagement it feels better (btw give that dev who handles the blood knight story and background a raise he is passionate).

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I mean, if they were automated, wouldn’t you end up having a bigger headache to deal with when the AI writing the article inadvertently writes about how ‘Glorbo’ is going to be included in the game? :stuck_out_tongue:
…seeing websites using AI to write their articles for them getting caught by that was hilarious though.

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Please make this game good again bro


It is an error in the system that should be fixed now, I believe.

So true. I cringe to think about it.


All hail our Glorbo overlords!!!


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its not sadly says 58 days

That’s not how it works either, but that’s OK. You don’t need to see more than the duck floating along the top of the water. :dracthyr_heart:

It likely will be “soon” after the holiday weekend. The length of time for the month’s Trading Post hasn’t changed though. That’s the most important thing.


Can y’all make the Dracthyr look less derpy so I can have the actual desire to play it?

It’s really cool and nice to see a GM engaging with the forums! Hope you’re have a lovely night as well!


But I have to wonder if they are engaging because they want to…or they need to keep the thread bumped because the OP contains a community rumor clue that they wanted to help everyone find. (It does)

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It was because Neth wanted to beat me up :dracthyr_shrug:

But I was genuinely thinking these posts were some new automated thing they were doing. Good to see I was wrong and the evil dark overlord Neth still walks these halls to this day.

Also you should never keep secrets from people so please send me all the answers.

It’s part of the secrets thing they having going on… if you click the article the image is expanded and there’s a subdued image of a map under the dragon with a mouse cursor point to a “secret” location. If you go there and swim in a deep cave to the back end you’ll find a lump of dirt and unearth about 20 gold worth of junk items. Bring water breathing ability if you don’t want to die.

Is there any chance of getting a Community Manager’s response, either in these Blues News or TWIW articles, about the issue I have been consistently bringing to yall’s attention every week since April? I would think being subscribed for five months time is a decent exchange for a simple acknowledgement of the problem that has been plaguing Classic Era players for over a year.

For reference: This Week in WoW: August 28, 2023 - #13 by Despitebeing-incendius

It’s gotten to the point that players are making How-To vids for this exploit. Please share this message with the people that can remedy this rampant cheating.

I mean, sure.

But I think it’s also just a formatting thing for consistency. They’re putting these out every week or month or something, right?

I doubt they’re going to flip flop based on how many lines of text they have.

Or have the previous ones just been forum posts? I haven’t really been following them.