Blues News: March 15, 2024

I don’t know either. I just keep hearing that D4 is bad.

I don’t play D4, so not sure if those reports are just the usual doom and gloom stuff or if there is a problem

Base game was great, S1 was really bad, S2 was pretty good, and S3 is mediocre.

Have to wait and see for S4.

I wouldn’t say the game is “bad” but it definitely has its issues. And they have mostly been caused by bad developer decisions.

After the nonsense they pulled yesterday I’m not going to put much trust into any of these posts or articles. We’ll get what we get when they feel like sharing.

That’s why I think they put out more info on D4 then Wow. D4 needs it more than WoW imo

Yesterday, you said you were going to implement an hotfix to increase the portal spawns from every hour to every 30 min and we have yet to see that go live! So in this post saying they are more often is not true.

https:// imgur . com/a/PiEArAb

You tell me lol

so we’re just not posting news on time anymore? where are the hero talents


see how you were able to post that before 8pm eastern?

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Things get better when there is a pink haired gnome sacrifice to the blue dragons, portals are now working as intended.


10 year anniversary for a game I just downloaded, and will never play just to login for a mount :crazy_face: :popcorn: Cool mount though.