Blue Skywitch Attire and Mount Bundle

We? You got a mouse in your pocket? Or anything of substance to add? No? Okay then. Have a nice day.

you didnt have much to add either but still decided to do the whole “NUH UH” so

I’m just going to wait for the mount to be in the TP a year from now or however long it will be.

Yep. Some have enough Tender for that or don’t mind waiting. Others want it now and want to save their Tender for other things, so they use real money or in game gold.

It’s kind of a win win win, tbh.

Glad I’m not the only one who feels like there’s been an uptick in Blizzard Store items.
Back in MY day… store mounts were like a bi-annual thing. Even if you disregard the Anniversary collection, the “Anniversary” (those orbs don’t represent sh*t, who do they think they’re fooling?) Brutosaur, and the Reven charity pack, we’re still seeing new shop items added every 1-2 months - and that’s on top of the other collaborative marketing they have with collectibles as incentives.

Players are consumers, and Blizzard is tapping into that consumerism more and more. It’s really making me dread what Blizzard’s marketing plans for player housing might be. Like, none of us are naïve enough to think they aren’t going to put premium stuff on the Blizzard Store, I’m just curious exactly how much this “F2P Premium Cash Shop” mindset they’ve been nurturing is going to develop in the next year. Will it get as bad as ESO’s Crown Store? Anyway, sorry for getting OT… I just hope people are paying attention and not relying on the whole ‘yOu cAn bUy tOKeNs WiTh GoLd’ BS, because Blizzard under MS are absolutely testing the monetization boundary and seeing how much they can get away with, and how much they can get us accustomed to.


Do any of you realize it is the end to the Year now …time of gift giving to yourself and others…just shakes head and walks away with another mount in her stable…

Uh oh. This is GD so someone will be asking for you to gift them a mount. So I’ll take the heat off by asking for a Red Ryder Carbine Action 200-shot BB Gun. :grin:

The Brutosaur mount is $132.00 CAD alone. That’s excessive, when you factor in taxes and exchange rates, which never change with Blizzard regardless of the dollar value.

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Here in the Great White North, most flying mounts are $32.00, ground mounts are $19.00, the pets are $12.50, and the Brutosaur is a whopping $132.00 CAD. Add an exchange rate that never fluctuates with the market dollar, plus the appropriate GST + HST taxes, and it’s no wonder that we Canucks think it’s quite excessive.

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We were gifted that by WoW years ago…still have mine…

Many US states now tax digital goods and services on the internet…just depends on how each state wrote their laws…my state of FL …anything I buy online that is out of State meaning not shipped from FL is tax free for me…now if its shipped from a FL address to my FL address then I get normal state tax on it. Same goes for paying for online Subs now …mine is not taxed at all…