Blue post: We are taking away all utility and not adding anything in return...Feedback?

how the **** can they justify taking away shadowmend from disc and shadow lmao. just take flash away and make it holy only like im so lost at that explanation.


First i prefer void tendrils over shining force. Caps is right in that PI is more important then an interrupt and knock back. BUT… I feel shammies and other classes have tons of unique and interesting utility. I mean i WOULD swap PI for divine shield, a brez and an interrupt :slight_smile:

I am extremely interested in what they want to swap mind games out for. Mindgames is kinda like lights wrath anyways. So we need a replacement, AND i want the absorb back on mind blast

With their post there seemed to be a lot of this is how it is, suck it up, wheras i would have prefered a more, hey what do you guys think about this… blah blah blah

Even with the target cap of 5?

All I can say after that is bliz better not take power infusion into account for damage / throughput tuning at all in dragonflight.


Ive been using tendrils in dungeons and do like it. I think of its uses on necrotic week. There are just some dungeons which dont have large tank packs that it woud be useful on.

Tanks have histoically been cranky at knock backs.

You dont like it mate?

I think it needed to be uncapped, along with psychic scream.

And yes, tanks don’t particularly like knockbacks but I wasn’t necessarily comparing the two for the same purpose. They seem like the perfect choice node to me given how different they are in application.


Cant disagree with you there. Would you argue against a node with the choice between tendrils and an interrupt over shining force. Tho saying that i would like the mind bombs stun in the priest tree

This is a super brilliant idea actually. Take my upvote.


I made a video about disc and class tree changes here

Share it to devs and post around if u wish. I took into account PVE and PVP aspects of the game.

Could just make it a choice node between Void Tendrils or Shining Force.

I think thematically it’d make sense, you either choose between the shadow or the light, make both able to be used on a friendly target.


Target cap of 5 should work in most situations, but uncapping it for raid depends entirely on if we’re having boss fights with waves of adds you need to cc. In that situation it’s supposed to be everyone helping.

On the beta I prefer Void Tendrils though because I can pull extra trash, use void tendrils, and safely stand back and pelt everything from a safe distance because everything’s rooted for 20s. Shining force had its purpose for kicking casters and pushing trash away from the tank while kiting. Just overall it was something you rarely used.

Void Tendrils would be a lot better than Shining Force on Globgrog as another example whereas Shining Force would be better for kicking a stationary mob out of Sanguine.

Just overall I can live without Shining Force. The question is what’s the deal with interrupts on healers now. I’d prefer not to give every healer an interrupt to begin with and bring it back to the status quo.

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I can’t, I do PvP and this was super useful in WPvP and on maps such as Twin Peaks or Eye of the Storm.


Idk… It doesn’t work in the situation I want it for the most, helping my tank kite to reset necrotic stacks.

Target caps on mass CC just feel absolutely abysmal. How often have you tried to interrupt something with psychic scream only to fear 5 other mobs and watch the cast go off in your face?

The memes will still live on in memory though. I’ve punted many people off of Eye of the Storm.

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Personally I’d rather see them get rid of Necrotic. -_-

Nah, they don’t need to remove it. I don’t get what’s hard about just making it a choice node between Shining Force and Void Tendrils.

The current choice node is Void Tendrils or a passive Psychic Scream effect… Like what?

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You can always reroll resto shaman. They have thunderstorm now.



You know they will. I rather lose this pi already if it’s gonna be a huge problem for us in the long run

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Resto Shaman - Thunderstorm
Preservation Evoker - Wing Buffet, Tail Swipe
Resto Druid - Typhoon
Mistweaver - Thunderous Focus Tea, Ring, etc
Holy Paladin - omg, another healer without a knockback, they should remedy this…

I honestly don’t like void tendril. Need to be range cast like shadow crash. Target ground aoe. Right now it’s clunky and werid to use.

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