Blue Post regarding Life Cocoon

in regards to the blue post about life cocoon found here, i have a massive issue with the reply blizzard posted. i understand they feel that life cocoon’s scaling could get out of hand, but it’s a relatively tone deaf response to life cocoon’s issue in the first place.

i won’t give you a 7 paragraph ted talk about LC, but i could. the shortest answer is that it will remain the weakest tank external in the entire game indefinitely until it starts scaling off of the target’s max hp instead of the healer’s. until that part of life cocoon is changed, this skill will remain a stinker.

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This nerf has really hurt its utility in PvP. It should either change the way you suggest, or it should be on a 30s cooldown by default. As it stands now, it’s very weak for the cooldown it has.

Power Word: Shield, with its short cooldown, is a far better spell now.


Its pretty par for the course for blizzard to nerf things without any regards to PVP. It basically has to be a giant outcry from the community to get noticed like the holy pally corruptions or something like that


Works both ways like PvP and PvE should be balanced separately but they’re not for some ridiculous reason.


so far i see pvp related replies. i mean if we need to aura buff it in pvp, that’s fine. there are separate tuning levers for that. this button sucks in pve. my change was with pve in mind originally. idk enough about cocoon in pvp to give any relevant feedback, but i would suspect it sucks there too.

Ive been asking for them to buff it for PVE since the nerf hit beta but chances are they wont budge. They just released PVP notes nerfing it in pvp, so hopefully they can buff it for pve.

They say in the above link that it’s “supposed to have the same value/strength as in DF”. If that is true they must have meant before it was buffed in DF to be useful/feel good.

LC in DF after it was buffed could easily put a shield on someone that absorbed an amt equal to or greater than the max health we had at the time. ( Think I was getting 1.3 mil shields in s2 of DF iirc ) Now the absorb is only about 2 mil, or only 50% ish of our life pool.

That isn’t the same value/strength at all. It didn’t get much stronger relative to our health pools/intellect/power/etc. If they intended it to they forgot to scale it after they increased total health again for TWW.

I enjoy seeing it pop in seconds and be useless while Evokers are literally turning people into brewmasters with their amazing external.