i also do want to point out something that does concern me about this line in the blue post.
its awfully similar to what EA posted on reddit which became the most downvoted comment in history. it was downvoted and hated by the internet so much its actually in the Guinness book of world records.
slower fewer upgrades does make them rewarding, but it also reminds me of going 6 mos without any upgrade during wrath, when my upgrade finally did drop, i wasn’t happy about it, i wasn’t relieved that i was done, i was angry and upset that it took so long.
if gear takes too much effort to obtain, it doesn’t make gear feel rewarding, it feels frustrating.
i should also point out, that going 6 mos without an upgrade does not mean i want a continuous gearing process all expac, no, i would rather be done for gearing for the season within a few weeks. do not make us spend all season building our toon only for it to be “done” 2 weeks before season end.
from a pvp perspective, i have zero interest in gearing or a long drawn out power growth system. the sense of accomplishment you get from pvp is from taking on new challenges, not from gearing your toon.
Except that line from EA was to justify crappy loot box mechanics designed to get money from their consumers.
So unless blizzard is coming out with gear on the cash shop, this doesn’t correlate at all.
Gear doesn’t need to rain from the sky, as well with vendors you not getting an rng drop has no bearing on this.
ever notice how the price of carry is about a token?
blizz has sort of solved the pay to win issue buy reversing it: win to get paid. successful players are able to offer less skilled players a p2w option, they get paid in gold, and blizz gets paid in money, and the less skilled player is able to buy a win.
give them props, thats a pretty damn ingenious solution.
Totally agree, PVP gear needs to be unshackled from PVE so gearing can be as fast and fun as WoD again. As long as PVP gear directly crosses over into PVE, the pacing of PVP gear acquisition will have to stay behind PVE.
PvP gearing was faster in bfa and Legion though… maybe you mean it has to stay a tier behind (but gearing through pvp drop wise was quicker) They pmuch solved the gearing pvp vs pve issue by lowering what rating you need to unlock the best gear.
Not even remotely true. Both honor and conquest were insanely fast. Not to mention all the gear we got in bfa was garbage.
This didn’t solve anything. Every pve item was still better for most people that did it.
Yeah but blizzard profits from it and therefore there is definitely not incentive to address it or make it less appealing. I don’t think the upcoming changes are aimed at making carries more common though lol… If anything people will be less willing to pay because they get less loot per run.
I’ll give you it was garbage. But it was faster to cap. Only needing 500 points helped especially with the pvp world quests and CTA quests. But I also did rated Bgs with those.
Compared to random bgs maybe? It took 10 arena wins to cap in wod. In bfa it takes me 35 or more. Not to mention I have to work through an entire garbage 445 set before I even touch the actual arena gear. In wod you started earning the top gear immediately. Then you could supplement with the 445 gear we have to do now. Which is also funny because you could farm your full 445 set there in the first couple weeks. Our bfa 445 set was gated and took many more weeks.
“Oh but random drops and end of week chest?!?” I didn’t use a single one all season. I used on 460 trinket out of the conquest because I never got a random one and a 480 azerite for my offspec.
Lol like seriously what are you smoking? Get me some cause it has to be strong.
4 rated Bg wins get you 50 points shy of a cap. Not to mention epic/random/brawl. Brawl quest/pvp quests/2 different chests worth 125 total daily. May be garbage gear but capping is much faster since you only need 500 points down from 1500
It’s not weekly gated for longer. And no took more than that. Not to mention if you missed a week they took points off your catch up cap. It doesn’t this expansion. Only downfall now is not going over 500 points so sometimes you do lose some.
To get a full set of 460? It was gated as many weeks or more than wod.
Yet I still managed to full conquest gear 11 characters (no hunter lol).
Only downfall?!?? What about duel wielders? How about the gear still sucking compared to vodoo trinket/drest/claw/geti etc etc all while being a lower ilvl.
Seriously jugga. 10s 2s wins for cap. 10. 11 characters fully capped while bfa I won over 300 arena games (2s and 3s together) and played a schwack of random bgs and I still never made it through the entire conquest system on my main. Not a single one of my alts made it through the 445 system.
I now get why you constantly tell us wod gearing wasn’t that great. You clearly didn’t/barely played and have zero recollection. Like 11 characters geared with time left over to get flying and the green apexis crystal mount from the jungle.