Blue post fix

“Quite literally” weekly means once a week. It doesn’t mean “Within 7 days of the previous” otherwise over time, you’d get two posts in the same week.

And if we’re using your logic, you just destroyed any claim to them posting weekly because they regularly don’t post on the same day, so you have no cause for complaint, because you just destroyed the pattern you’re expecting them to keep.


Seriously, some of you are just refreshing the page endlessly to see if a blue posts something?

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Bored. Giving a pedant their own medicine.

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That was a reply! Not a post!

I have a good feeling that there will be some big news today or in the next few days. With the content creators invited out to Irvine it has to point to some big news to share with the community. Many of them are just itching to talk about what they know while trying to play off them knowing nothing.

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How many “Posts” have you made? 179 individual topics, or 179 replies?

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Same here, it’s a slow work day and this keeps me entertained.

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Bi weekly means every other week. To do something bi weekly, you would have to wait 14 days between doing it at least. Not 8 days. 14.


2-3 “Post”

CM staff must sit back and laugh at what gets argued about on these forums.

Nah 2-3 Topics, 180 posts. :wink:

Speaking of staff laughing, I wonder if they got a good laugh out of this exchange. :joy:

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Amazing what is said when you mention cravings.

Posting on a Monday then posting on a Friday of the next week is STILL weekly posting.

That’s more than 8 days between posts.

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3 times a week right?

4 actually.

Lol I know I was trolling but you don’t need to 1 up me. We all know it means twice a year.

I didn’t see no green mushroom go by…