Blue Eyed Elves - Act of good will or a higher up saying "Just do it"?

Blizz bent the knee because the bean counters did the math.

All hail the bean counters. :heart_eyes: :joy:

This sounds a bit too much like ye olde “they’re doing their best leave them alone!!”. Good faith and good will are things you start out with, but what you do or don’t do can and will erode it with time. Considering this is a request that existed for several years, good faith and the benefit of the doubt are not guaranteed.

In the context of how the high elf request was handled, a show of good faith would have been to make void elves an amazing and incredibly good addition both in-world and lorewise. This is because the rule of thumb when not giving a customer what they specifically ask for is to delight them with your alternative (and even that doesn’t have a 100% chance of success). Actual communication would go a long way. Avoiding blunders like “the Horde is there waiting for you” also helps.

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If that were true then all high elves would have fel eyes too.

Someone sat Ion behind a computer and made him play Alliance where we interact with Alliance High Elves.


Much like nightborne weren’t even comparable to void elves in terms of how similar they were to their counterpart. So yeah they are.

You’re right. Playable Void Elves undermine that idea.


Which is silly because Void Elfs is like 20something elves who wanted to study the void and were told no.


It could be because they poorly implemented the last two allied races for alliance and no one plays them especially compared to their counterparts, and they wanted to give the alliance players an allied race they were asking for other than Dark Iron.

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I would definitely play a Mechagnome if I didn’t need to rep with Mechagon, that might be the worst zone ever.

Alliance needed something to bring people to it. I would have preferred that they either allow cross faction groups or maybe a traitor path for blood elves.


Token price was dropping fast. Now all of a sudden it went up, even if just a little. Manipulating the market, they realised the price was getting too low and no one was buying.

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Multiple decisions on Blizzards part during Legion kinda rendered that excuse moot… according to the Lore, Illidan trained less than 100 initiates to be demon hunters… most of whom died… so we got a class that according to the lore has fewer than 50 living practitioners… then there’s Void Elves… there were not a whole lot of Elves who joined Umbric in his journey into the void… there most certainly were fewer of them than there are currently of High Elves… so we get fed the excuse of “there arnt enough high elves left to justify a playable race” then they turn around and give us a race that consists of like 20 people…


The bar is so low because alliance victories are so few and far between… and when the alliance does get something they asked for, there is always a catch… compared to the horde who seem to get everything they ask for with no issue…


But they can go back to Scaly Night Elves similar to Worgen when made playable. Blizz just needs to fund it.

I find it equally amazing that an entire race of draenei is now in game, all from one tiny crashed spaceship.

At certain points one has to accept that in a game it’s more about playing it than having a water-tight story with continuity in tact.

Well, it’s not just limited to games even. Try watching Vikings or The Last Kingdom. Both are decent but oh my, there’s so much ‘Let’s just do this because it’d be cool. To hell with it making any sense character or context wise.’.


I don’t think it’s a matter of blizzard “giving into HE demands” they aren’t giving HEs they are allowing free reign of customizations.

They toons are still BE and VEs. It does however allow ppl to make there own story a little easier and RP as you wish.

So I don’t see blizzard it as reversing decisions ect ect.

It’s no different than undead getting covered bones and orcs posture.

It’s not a lore change it’s simply an esthetic change for personal customization.

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New Demon Hunters were trained for all of Legion. New Void Elves are being trained now at Telogrus Rift. Their numbers are not an issue at all.

The additional demon hunters being trained acted as a bit of a bandaid to the obvious lore issue with them as playable… and we were told to assume all other demon hunter players you met were “newly trained” and that our personal character is the only one out of the thousands running around that was among the handful of surviving original demon hunters…

as for the new void elves being trained… everything going on in Telogrus Rift actually paints a different story… not all who were transformed got the grasp of their new powers quickly… some learned slower than others, those slow learners are the ones being trained to control their powers in the rift, not newly converted elves… the High Elves and Blood Elves in the rift are studying the void and learning from them… while some might show interest in joining the ranks of the void elves, there is no mention of any actually being transformed… though the lack of transformation might be used as a lore explanation for the new skin tones they are getting in Shadowlands…

That point aside, there is still the issue of the fact that most of Silvermoon views Umbric and the Void Elves as heretics and wish nothing to do with them, so the number of Blood Elves who are going to join the Void Elves are very limited… and then High Elves are small in number as is… so not a huge pool of candidates to grow their numbers from… the reality of the matter is, lorewise, their number will always be almost non-existent until enough time has passed for multiple generations to be born and establish their place in the world…

Have you seen the latest eye color for Blood Elves? They’re not blue.

Because duties of a ruler sometimes interfere with personal matters. Alleria was there as a diplomat, so throwing her out would have caused an incident. When she proved an existential threat to the Sunwell, however, it was easy to banish her from Silvermoon forever.

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Again, this is just your bitterness showing through. The void elves are the most popular allied race. Lots of people think they are cool. They did what you’re saying they should do. They actually made a really cool story with the elves and their path to the horde that a lot of people love. You don’t, and I get that. But it does not mean that they acted maliciously to torment you. This is the old, “I went into a pizzeria and tried to order fish and chips and those JERKS told me they don’t do that!”

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