…you think my use of “vocal minority” means I’m somehow disparaging people? Okay.
Ok I want to say one last thing on the matter. Wasn’t transmogging so popular that they made micro holidays for it? Isn’t mogging so popular that people hold contests on streams from my understanding? It’s not like this game is known to not enjoy mogging. So I wouldn’t say I am a minority tbh.
(Commentary): There is an unspoken implication that it’s alright to ignore them because they’re a, ‘minority,’ of the overall population of players.
There isn’t really a correction to be made. They are all three the same race. High Elves = Blood Elves = Void Elves, but the idea for all of WoW has been take the purity of their Blue Eyes are Gone. Blood Elves were tainted, then cleansed by Holy Magic, not pure magic. Void Elves were tainted by the Fel, then tainted by the Void.
They are all of the same bloodline, but they cannot go back to being Blue Eyed High Elves anymore than Naga can go back to being purple skinned elves.
Somehow I doubt we’re talking about elves at this point.
Now you shush! I’m still holding out for that game!
(Commentary): Oh no, I’m talking about elves, trust me. I’ve had my fill of the other topic.
The customization options disagree with you.
In fact, the dev stated they would be cleansed of it and go back to blue eventually.
Hence, there is no difference between blood elves and high elves.
There is no “pure” high elf.
There is no disagreeing with me. It isn’t my lore. I am stating what was previously stated. If Blizzard wants to change their own lore, then I don’t care.
(Commentary): Well, there’s still political, ideological, cultural, and recent history difference between them. Physically, not much. Blood Elves do have options High Elves don’t, after all.
The only difference is their political views.
Culturally they are the same. Such that the high elves consider silvermoon their home and honor the sunwell as well as other cultural aspects.
Takes like five seconds to implement and will win over and stop the forum whining, either way. So it works. I think it’s the typical bean counter thing, though.
(Commentary): From what I recall, High Elves have largely assimilated into other cultures within the Alliance. We know Blood Elves look down upon mingling with, ‘lesser races,’ and diluting their bloodline, but it’s a fairly open practice among High Elves. Quel’Thalas is a dictatorial meritocracy. High Elves by contrast live in places that don’t have literal thought police and arcane constructs walking by to remind you that, “Happiness is Mandatory,” or that, “Lor’themar will lead you to Greatness.”
This has been a terrible year in general, let’s just take this as a win.
The notion of it being dictatorial is simply outdated given that those events occurred in TBC, and based upon later literature, including the heritage quest and more, they have returned to their behaviors of the past.
Your cultural reference is TBC, back before the restoration of the Sunwell.
Furthermore, while this may be true for some high elves assimilating this is not true for all of them.
(Commentary): Which would also be a dictatorship. Monarchies are dictatorships.
(Commentary): Nothing has been shown to have changed since then. If anything, it’s more of the same. Exile anyone that opposes the state (Void Elves), if you’re not good enough you’re useless and are garbage (WoD questline with Astalor’s apprentice whom he dismissed as only being good for basket weaving), etc… Blood Elves haven’t changed much as a culture. Granted this could’ve always been the culture of Quel’Thalas. Its the High Elves who have changed to adapt to other cultures, thus, a cultural difference from Blood Elves, the heirs and masters of Quel’Thalas.
No matter the reason. It’s a good choice. I like some of the blue eye colors. So I’m likely to make either a Belf or Velf with blue eyes. Not because of Helfs.
So High Elves no longer have their own culture or society. Instead they are assimilating into mostly human culture. And people still wonder why High Elves aren’t a separate playable race? At least Void Elves have the potential of developing their own distinct culture now.
Dictatorships are governments which are gained through force where as monarchies are inherited. As it stands, Lor’themar was largely forced into his position and is supported by the people.
Have…you not played Horde after TBC? Post TBC it has been heavily emphasized that the authoritarian measures taken were stopped and that the high elves have returned to the society they had in the past which was not authoritarian.
Practiced void magic which was a danger to the sunwell and created by a traitor of the blood elves.
Lorthemar himself tries to make amends with the quel’lithien high elves whom he exiled due to the regret he had for such actions and deemed it an error on his part.
The event of which resulted in the letter being unknown, and said individual then going on to threaten the lives of the Auchanai.
This doesn’t hold up to a closer inspection Exacitor.
Adapting to other cultures is not assimilation. Assimilation means giving up one’s culture entirely. Furthermore, we know this is not necessarily true given the behavior of the high elves in WotlK (honoring sunwell), MoP (ruthless attacks and shark feeding), and desire to protect what they see as their home land (Cataclysm).
We also have alarge understanding of what the culture was prior to TBC, and considering the heritage quest, nightborne recruitement both emphasize the return to such a culture, it doesn’t support your view.
Okay, but they did pose a clear and present danger to the state and needed to be removed.
They were always haughty. That’s just elves in 99% of all fantasy media.
There’s a short sidequest line in eversong that has you dealing with a guy who’s living in complete denial of recent events and he just spends all day throwing parties with other similar minded individuals.
Look at their ancestors even, the Highborne. They’re just…like that…
In the Before the Storm novel, Sylvanas only describes them changing in the way that they’re a lot more somber and don’t really indulge in all of the gaudy/flashy pageantry anymore.