Blue Eyed Elves - Act of good will or a higher up saying "Just do it"?

He wasn’t wrong. :rofl:


Count yourself lucky you weren’t stuck with Mechagnomes as your final Allied Race.


You really think someone higher than the game director cares about high elves and how it will have an almost zero impact on anything WoW related when it comes to revenue?

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I don’t know they can’t seem to keep their word much anymore. Making them less credible.

No tints for Void Elves - Implements it.

Here’s a beautiful mog for Night Elves - Gives it to NPCs.

You like mogs? We got some sparkly jewelry for all races - Nope it’s gone.

Guys, guys Sylvanas wasn’t a straight up villian in BFA- Literally, cuts an old vet down and spits on her peers.

Big announcement! Coming 06/09/2020 - Oh nvm we were just playing with you.

I could probably keep going here… I am not entirely sure what is happening over there tbh.


It kinda does, actually. Blood Elves are the most played race by far. And almost all of them will have Blue Eyes now. And the includes Void Elves too.

That being said, I don’t care what color your eyes are under your helmet.

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I still don’t get this

Do you really believe this? Do you really think that the current iteration of retail WoW today wasn’t shaped by player feedback? Or are you just playing dumb?

In what way does adding customizations to void elves which imply some high elf membership among their ranks undermine their statements about not enough High Elves remaining to constitute a playable faction?

I am not playing anything. It’s a discussion, with speculation at worst, no accusation.

Calm down there, champ.

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Lol have you seen our AR’s?


(Commentary): To be perfectly honest, I’ve heard this take before and I kind of agree with it that Blizzard has never really been against High Elves on the Alliance to begin with. They were just out of touch with what Alliance players wanted, and as for comments from Ion, I genuinely think its not a concern for him. Someone posited the following scenario.

(Hypothetical): It’s the meeting after Ion said no blue eyes for Blood Elves. People are talking, going, ‘Why not,’ and someone else goes, ‘Well, we should give Alliance players something,’ and then they discuss what they could reasonably include with their time restraints, and during the whole thing Ion is just looking at a sheet parsing test numbers for the Castle Nathrea raid, and when they finally take a vote he replies, “Sure, sounds good,” without having taken in a word of what was being discussed.

(Commentary): I could buy the above scenario honestly. Raids are his passion, and it’s where he does good work. I think when he gets asked questions like, “Why didn’t you do X instead of Y,” he rarely has a strong opinion on it and is just trying to defend what had been done, since it’s kind of his job.


In what way does adding customizations imply high elf membership? Unless you argue that they aren’t actually void elves, but more like shadowpriest. And somehow only the high elves have found a way to turn voidy without turning voidy.

Which makes no sense.

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The same guy that proudly said he was Horde and he would never play alliance characters?

That said the Alliance war cry is “not in the face!”


The fact we have to beg, debate and be mad about customization in an MMO is the real problem.

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So you’re just playing dumb.

Understood, champ.

This is going to be good.

See? I knew it would be good.
This is false equivalence.
Let alone that the sub loss in cata wasnt due primarily to the dungeons. There were significant problems in Cata.

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They’ve also repeatedly said that High Elves are Blood Elves, and additionally, Void Elves are High Elves.

So really, we’ve always had High Elves. It’s just nice to have the customization now.


People could choose to read the situation that way if they wanted to as there are (and have been) “High Elves” in the Void elf starting area. As such, Void Elves could be drawn from Silvermoon OR From that small group, if the player wanted to read it that way. So they are all Void Elves, and some could have formerly been known as High Elves. Either way, it does not undermine the idea that not enough High Elves remain to form a playable faction.

(Commentary): Comes off as lip service to me. His only reason he’ll never play Alliance is because he doesn’t like alts. He doesn’t have any, from what I recall.

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Not everything is a conspiracy against High Elves. :roll_eyes:

This could very will be nothing more then what it appears to be on the surface, Blizzard wanting to expand customization options for ALL races. The Blood and Void Elf changes are simply what made the most sense for those respective races. If it happens to make High Elf fans happy as well, all the better.

Because from a lore perspective, 99% of the High Elf population are dead. The remaining elves are Tainted Blood Elves (The majority), Void Elves (very small fraction of a percentage of the elven population) and the pure blooded High Elves, which are the LEAST amount of the remaining elves.

Now take Blood Elves and Void Elves, two of the most played races in the game, and give let’s say…we’ll low ball it and say only 70% of the BE/VE choose blue eyes. That means the High Elf population just grew by HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of Elves.

From almost extinct to massively thriving, probably overnight.

Now, that means the lore for High Elves is ruined from that perspective. Unless High Elves have been popping out babies in the hundreds per household since Warctaft 3, the High Elf population could never grow that large again.

But again, I don’t actually care.