Blue-Eyed Blood Elves

I’m thankful to Blizzard for doing this. The High Elf fans denied Blood Elves their rightful eye colour for years and now we’re finally getting it.

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personally I’m disappointed there’s no red eyes and pale skin options to give an rp/cosmetic option for sanlayn or dark rangers. though we’re just barely getting a first look at thingsso hopefully we’ll find more options in time.

what I really need is to find out how many different type of trolls I can pretend to be

It looked like there was an icon with undead skin and red eyes. It just wasn’t opened. They also checked the Death Knight eyes but didn’t put them up in the review.

Playing with…? I have no idea what you’re talking about!
tries hiding something behind her back

30 years? what are you smocking? 30 years was around the first war, elves only used fel energy around vanilla-tbc era, that is more or less 10 years ago in lore, and no, this lie about “elves sucking fel magic” need to stop, you know its a lie, stop spreading it.

it is not, since this is not even one generation in elven years, and they didn’t “suck up fel magic”, stop