I believe i’ve accidentally abandoned a quest for the Blue Dragonflight quest line. In my quest log I have a section listed for the Blue Dragonflight but no quests appears when I expand it. My quest log was getting to full so I abandoned some old quests. I’ve tried checking the wowhead quest tracker tool but not really sure what quest I abandoned for Blue Dragonflight. If anyone could assist it would be really appreciated.
I wasn’t sure if it was completed since Blue Dragonflight still appeared in my quest log with no quests under it. I’ve checked Azure Archives but couldn’t find anything but at least I now know I’ve completed the Blue Dragonflight questline.
I too have this problem, I am also being asked to raise my renown with the major factions of dragonfly. I am hoping it has something to do with renown. I am exalted with all but Glimmerogg Racer 3/5
Also sitting at 9/10 campaign chapters and blue dragonflight sitting in my quest log. Completed the blue dragonflight storyline and all the campaign quests. There seems to always be this type of quest book bug for a patch or two in every expansion. I suspect it’ll fix itself overtime. Just messes with my OCD. My hunch is that it’ll go 10/10 during 10.1.5 after we do the bronze stuff. No idea why blue dragonflgiht heading is still in my quest book though. Maybe a bug with the follow on quest if you have that staff? Shows also having more quests to do for them, but don’t have the staff to continue.
I have the same problem with Blue Dragon Flight quest log being blank. I know i completed “Align the Sand” in the Dawn of Infinite quest chain. The next quest “On Borrowed Time” disappeared from my quest log. I cannot talk to Chromie to pick it back up, obviously cannot abandoned it since it’s no longer there. I ran a script to be sure and I have not completed " On Borrowed Time ".
Anyone know how to finish this quest chain?