Blue clockwork set?

Hi, quick question: back when the clockwork transmogs were first datamined, there was a blue version that caught my eye.

On the Trading Post we got a green set and a yellow one. Is the blue set aviable as well outside of the TP or we can’t get it yet?

If it’s in the files, it’s probably just not available yet. They only added the green and gold versions so far. Considering the first two have been Trading Post items, I’m guessing the blue one will be as well. They might make it available through other means though. We’ll just have to wait and see.


Just because something is datamined doesn’t necessarily mean it will be made available to players. It’s likely, but not at all guaranteed.

Not available yet. Probably future trading post or perhaps 11.1 reward? I think those items would fit a Goblin-themed patch. Perhaps they’ll add other colors too.

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Usually stuff is released…either as content, shop items or later tender.

I wouldn’t be surprised to find it as a rep/farm reward for next patch.

Kind of like the diving suit

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Yeah, this is also true. The stormcrow mount for example (now Thrayir) was added to the files back in MoP and it took like, 12 years to finally be made available.

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