Blue and Azure drake mount: drop rate?

anyone know the drop rates for them? i tried looking it up but there was just “??” written in the section that listed the drop.

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It is unknown. Once you receive the mount let us know how many attempts you used.

See the thing is… Your mileage will vary so in a way what difference does the drop rate make?

Side note: I got both mounts in less than 20 tries.

Not much at all.
I think they are the higher droprate of the weekly lockout mounts.

This guide says it’s 5%

This item has a low chance (estimated being from 1% to 2%)

I got the azure one on my first try
Blue was my 5th try I think

High drop rate I assume

I got blue at about 50… another blue at about 90… and azure at about 150…

Most people speculate that most raid mounts have roughly a 1-2% drop rate, although we don’t really know for sure. Some people get invincible in 10 runs, some people get invincible in 500+ runs.

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Azure, 40 tries. Blue, probably 20.

Got them both in the same run…dropped at the same time. This was years ago though. Not sure how many total runs but it wasn’t over 30 or 40.

I hardly mount farm and have both of them. I think I actually got both of them when running the raid with someone else (separate occasions), and that wasn’t often. The drop rate is pretty decent, I’d say.

I farmed both during 8.3.

The light blue one took 45 tries for the first one to drop, then I got it again at like 60 tries. The azure (darker blue) took 68 attempts.

Thank God an ubbernerd once told me “ignoring drop rate is probably the sanest thing a person can do. So just farm when you can and don’t worry about it.”

Did you buy a lottery ticket that night?

Fun fact: for a while, the drops were bugged and missing from some loot tables. Not an easy thing for the community to test.

(source: see down to July 29, 2019)

I am sure bugs like this happen here and there and just get fixed without any notifications.

They’re not too bad. Definitely higher than the more recent boss mounts like BFD, HFC, ABT, NH and onwards. I do know some of the cata and older raid mounts tend to have a slightly higher drop rate on normal as opposed to heroic. Don’t know why but anecdotally it’s been true for me. Running a norm version of an old raid would often get me the mount to drop much sooner than on heroic.

But ultimately you’re still looking at somewhere between 1-5%. Whereas WoD onwards is more 1-2%.

Indeed, I farmed Midnight for about 7 years on 5 different toons…just dont think about it…


Jesus, I did not need to know that. :frowning:

I think I got both within 100 tries. about 3 weeks with 30 tries each week.

Army of toons?

I have 30 max level.