Bloodstained Commendations Going Away in Phase 3

they never should of allowed anyone to stockpile the honor. simple. as.


That’s more of a retail thing. Retail is more of rails-on hold your hand RPG.

Such a strange take “the game shouldn’t include critical information pertaining to how ranking functions, anywhere within the actual game. that’s handholding!”

At no point in WoW classic history was ranking information ever available inside of the game.

Ever. Period. At all. Ever. It was never made clear to you what thresholds were when it was threshold gated. It was never made clear what the buckets were when it changed to buckets. Players found these things out, and community-driven efforts made it available knowledge to figure out what the breakpoints were.

You’ve completely missed the mark on 1.15 era WoW. 100% screamingly missed every aspect of it.

That wasn’t actually my take if you even read anything from my post.

We identified a significant number of players who appear to have been trying for Rank, and used a lot of Bloodstained Commendations before the deadline, but did not obtain the requisite HKs that week. We’ve developed a one-time-only fixup for you.

On Tuesday, April 16, during scheduled maintenance – before the weekly calculations are started for the week of April 9-16 – we’re going to attempt to change the record for those player-characters who fit the above description for the week of April 2-9. The fixup will essentially change your history to make it look as though you got the requisite 15 HKs during the previous week.


Can you also fix the AB logs only giving 20 rep instead of 200? I turned in 62 logs for 12k rep because I thought it would be more fun to farm 30k honor than it would 12k rep and ended up only getting 1200 rep because each log gave 20 rep instead of 200 since I turned them in on Friday rather than Thursday since I have a job and was prequesting like mad and didn’t have an hour to spare to fly to Arathi and turn in 62 quests

Pretty salty about that.

I ground 120k rep at 50 to get r7 week 1 but am still just honored with defilers instead of halfway to exalted.

now don’t you feel silly

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that’s pretty cool of them. if i had fd up my rank i probably would have quit lol. almost any major bad event would be like a hard core death for me.

so they can stock up on commendations for 110k but cant get 15 hk’s in a week? stop catering to this participation award mob


Amazing. So you’ll compensate those that weren’t hit by a bug and were just dumb, but won’t reimburse the 50g your dual spec bug stole from me, or reimburse the trinket you poofed from my character after you let me buy it. That tracks. Since when has not having knowledge about the game ever been worthy of being rewarded. Upside down world.

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there’s also the chaos bolters who got screwed by transferring

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still waiting for my 50g and 12 offerings

Can a similar fixup be made for all the people that lost out on crazy amounts of gold in the incursions?

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Yeah this is actually crazy lol.

I didn’t even lose gold over that bug, but the fact that they literally refuse to refund people who suffered from an actual bug while also fixing this issue for people who suffered from ignorance of a game feature is craaaaazy.

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Genuinely ecstatic to hear this, I know I was not the only person affected but I will speak for myself and say, from absolutely freaking devastated after logging in Tuesday and learning what happened, to (along with others who were in the same boat) being told that we don’t deserve “having our hand held” by being told everything (despite that being the whole point of the bluepost) and then having someone tell me that I should have read every bluepost ever posted about classic wow since 2019 and not having done so means I am undeserving of ranking up (unhinged thinking wtf lol), to then seeing this, has been quite the rollercoaster ride but I really can’t overstate my appreciation of Blizzard taking care of this.

I am beyond grateful that the devs/CMs recognize how esoteric/arcane a lot of the systems in Vanilla are to those of us whose first classic experience is SoD, and with no explanation anywhere in game to go off of, those of us who are labeled “retail tourists” (despite spending all my time on SoD and exclusively raidlogging to do fyrakk skips for mounts in retail) are bound to fall into such pitfalls without any warning.

SoD has been an incredible experience so far, it’s genuinely been the most fun I have had in WoW in some time, and that’s saying a lot because retail has been excellent in DF! This getting the attention of the devs and getting resolved just goes to show how much players’ experience matters to them - which is something I really, really appreciate.

Thank you so much for taking care of this!!!

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Will this apply to characters that turned in 110k but didn’t meet the level requirement?

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Awww you lost some pocket change you poor poor soul :frowning:

How about you also lower the cost of the commendations back to 25 copper instead of 1 silver making this farm 4x more difficult for the people who DIDN’T stack commendations. It’s great that you’re rewarding someone’s mess up but also does not feel great that since I didn’t have time to stack up those commendations i have to work significantly harder to get to the point where that person now is even after making a crucial mistake.


I wish we could downvote you.