rip to the original post. i’ll miss the years we bumped that.
Seriously… lot of history in those old forums just gone…
LOL I forgot about that thread! How many times did we break the forum with that?
About as many times as you broke SSC with that Mogrim Tidewalker joke…
I still throw that out there occasionally.
Sup wonder, do you still play with cmpunk?
wonderchikn is in the heavy hitters discord, but i’m not sure where he plays. i think he’s playing classic tho.
punk is in heavy hitters with the rest of us nerds.
Shunye! I don’t really play with anyone from Vanilla anymore. This toon is on Zul’jin. My play time has gone way down since the baby and I haven’t even touched Azshara’s Palace yet. But yes, planning on playing Classic with some OG’s.
meh i came back a couple weeks ago and joined a random guild from chat on my druid, i havent even touched the raid yet and just stuck to M+ when i feel like it after getting flying. it’s so painful trying to put together groups when everyone is a stranger.
This thread does not do the last one justice…
uhh playing classic anyone? where at?
hi everyone
Hello! wish we could read the old forums
hello! trying to reconnect with a few people; anyone know dave and if he still plays? (in OG vanilla)
Westhof checking in…
Dave is on steam if you still need his contact. Dunno if he plays the pala anymore
~ Banksz
Dave, as in Evad from Audacity 15 years ago?
Oh wow still lots of people playing this
hi everyone