[Bloodsail Buccaneers] Server Discord

They have stated they are but i am not sure if they started that they would be at the very start or not. There is still some community aspects to it that could happen early on and as they add more the x-realm could come into play… that or the massive imblances may need for it to happen sooner.

Overall i think that most people are really looking to the pvp realms and most a way to flee streamers so the PvE realms are kinda just holding the popcorn and watching.

I suspect it will just be Xrealm right from the start. unlikely they will wait until phase 6 to make it X-realm, since they expect the game to be “dead” by phase 3 since layering will be removed by phase 2.

Yeah but i can hold out that the community might be able to change there minds to some extent. We have before and maybe after the layering thing this will be the next thing we can kinda push back one cycle.

Almost 600 members!

Name reservation can’t come soon enough! I’m anxious waiting around.

Yeah this isn’t Faerlina!

And I can confirm no streamers here :smiley:

If thar were we would ‘ave t’ make them walk th’ plank

Imma stream just to prove you wrong :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Hope to see everyone soon!

SoonTM, cmon blizz I NEEED IT

Hope everyone got names!

Everyone! Get in here!

Come see all the cool names people are getting!!

Big Buccs 4 Lyfe


So given that mess that was trying to login I think it’s safe to say that our server is actually hosted from an abandoned pirate cove in the Caribbean. For that authentic experience.


Up to close to 700!

2 weeks until the next crapshow!

Reserve your name then join the discord!

Over 700 members!