[Bloodsail Buccaneers] Server Discord

we jus’ be needin’ a few more brave horde t’ join us fer our raidin’ partys yarr!

Viking pirate themes I could get behind that. Some good Vinland Saga style blood baths.

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Ragnar Lothbrok? Hmmm I don’t know :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m really enjoying my time in there. They have professions channels

Professions, rare recipes, and auction house selling!

Great community here

Bump /o/ Love this discord.

Lots of fun to be had! Come get entertained for the next two weeks!

Super fun community, and a great place to meet up with people!

Yeah, lots of new folks popping in every day now.

Hope to see more people!

Oohhh, perfect!

Hopefully blizzard sends us off on the stress test in a very destructive way :fire:

Unfortunately they said they won’t be doing anything for the stress test end when they announced they were going to be up all weekend.

That’s too bad!

Don’t tell me terrible things!

Need to make sure that the servers are ready for this afternoon.

Double check that rigging. Batten down those hatches. There’s a storm on the horizon that will soon encompass us all.

The Naming storm nears!

Character creation HYPE!!!

At the moment there is a nearly 2:1 Alliance advantage which is to be expected on a PvE server overall. As of posting this the numbers break down as 111 alliance to 50 horde with another 19 than plan to play both factions on some level. Overall the numbers could swing one way or another but if you want to be a bit of an underdog and or have faster queues when BGs start (if they arent X-realm right at the beginning) Horde would be a good place to play. Otherwise there is a horde overpopulated realm in Mankirk to the tune of 70:30 H:A

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Atm the exact count for horde for roles on the server is 147, where alliance is 296. with 90 people proclaiming they are neutral.