Bloodsail Buccaneers HC

OK, as a non-HC player who was on the server way before HC came along and took over the server, I had a few things that bothered me about it.

  1. Most HC players are OK, yet you know they want nothing to do with you. This general lack of respect is annoying, yet I guess it happens.
  2. HC players are super whiny about everything. If you get in the way of their game, they make a huge issue about it. You must give in and stay out of their way, or the freakout will happen.
  3. I was trying to get the AH going, but now it is really dead. I don’t think it will ever come back to life now.
  4. If a HC player flags, don’t complain if you get killed. I play Horde, and if I see an ally running around flagged, I will kill them. If you don’t like it, don’t flag it because it’s an RP server.
  5. Who the hell are HC protectors? If you are playing HC and you need a high level of protection, it kind of seems like you are missing the point of HC.
  6. Ganking happens, so don’t whine about it, cupcakes.If it is okay with Blizzard, then it is an okay way to play the game.
  7. You step into the arena in STV, and you get killed; don’t get bent out of shape. Just like flagging, it is part of the game.

I have more, but I just wanted to say that I am not pussyfooting around and changing the way I play the game because you HCs want to take over the server. I was a friendly, happy player that tried to help everyone before you guys showed up, and now you want to be treated with Kit gloves. Now I am starting to think that having a dragon or major demon hit SW might be a good thing. A mass HC death might clean things up a bit.

That is my beef. I might be overreacting, yet I am starting to feel like it might be better to leave the server that I have been playing on for a long time.

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What is an HC?


HC == hard core (ironman) challenge, death == delete

Ive done the HC stuff in SoM and there are some points i agree with you to an extent, i mainly missed the open world cooperation that really is vital imo as an experience in vanilla leveling. But there is a certain type of thrill that comes with the HC challenge that is nice as well, but im not sure i would want to play with HC players as a non-hc player in SoM 2. Having a dedicated HC server or at least the HC community saying which server is the one the hc streamers (Kargoz, Grays etc) will be claiming would be good for both hc and non-hc players.

I do agree but just taking over a RP server annoyed me. yet it does not matter any more as most peeps are leaving bloodsail anyway


People doing a “hardcore” run on a pve ruleset server are probably the same people who think eating at Taco Bell is spicy.

Until then you will just be mildcore.