Add honor in the event or some PVE objetives for solo players. The event is almost dead for alliance players and we are tired of wasting our time there trying to find or fill a group 30 mins before the event start.
Yesterday we filled a group and we were in a dead layer, we were the Unique party in that layer and no more pvp for kill.
You didnt Even include “bloodmoon” in your lfg tool.
This is in crusader strike.
And trolls please don’t come here romantizing the waste of time.
There’s a number of us now that do the event atleast twice a day for the enjoyment of it and for the bijous which is a good way to earn gold.
We make about 200gold per game.
If you’re a PvP enjoyer and good player you will find a group of people that you can run with regularly and you don’t have to look for a random group anymore.
If you’re just trying to do it enough to get the gear and then stop doing it, you might want to form your own groups.
You do need to get on atleast 30 minutes before to get on layer 1 and find a group because that’s what everyone else does and if you wait until 10 minutes before the event you probably won’t find a group.
Also, I’d love it if they fixed the layering issue and even make it cross server. I know some people on pve servers that would like to play with us but can’t because no one does.
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Kefta - you bg’n on ur horde war yet? =)
I need to do some BM on my mage.
Haha no he’s only level 35. Lately I’ve only been logging on for bloodmoon twice a day so I haven’t played him much. There’s an Orc shaman wedgetz that plays most games you should group with him he’s pretty dope.
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This needs to happen. The event is extremely painful to do now, and it won’t be practical for my alts to get pvp gear (especially melee). I’m lucky to get 200 coins now, which is absolutely pathetic.
You can get 250 honor for 25 coppers.
Honor would be awesome +1
I don’t think that exists anymore
Vendor for the old phase items is at the ZG Isle, you need to downgrade your items to the proper currency.
Compared to AB that is a waste of time and effort. I mean honor with every kill during BM.